September 17, 2008

Speaking of Dave Gushee, I’ve been trying, and failing, to come up with something encouraging or insightful or charitable to say about the results of a poll commissioned, in part, by his group, Evangelicals for Human Rights. Polls show support for torture among Southern evangelicals: <blockquote< A new poll finds that nearly six in 10 white Southern evangelicals believe torture is justified, but their views can shift when they consider the Christian principle of the golden rule. The poll released... Read more

September 15, 2008

My old friend and one-time colleague Dave Gushee notes in USA Today that conservative evangelicals’ sudden enthusiasm for Sarah Palin is a bit difficult to square with their “theological vision that women are subservient to men”: Never have conservative evangelicals positioned themselves as staunch advocates for women’s leadership in political life — until Sarah Palin. … The nomination of Palin offers conservative Christian leaders the chance to rethink an archaic theological vision that wounds millions of devout Christian women and... Read more

September 13, 2008

Here is an article from Bob Jones University Press on the importance of protecting Real True Christian children from the dangers of secular textbooks: When we compare “textbook to textbook,” leaving out all of the “bells and whistles” that the secular publishers use to package their products, I am convinced that the instructional design, strong biblical integration and proven student achievement results of BJU Press textbooks give Christian schools a “no-brainer” option — to go with a product that honors... Read more

September 12, 2008

Left Behind, pp. 466-467 The penultimate scene begins with four sentences crying out for rewriting: By the time Stanton Bailey stormed into Buck’s office an hour later, Buck realized he was up against a force with which he could not compete. The record of his having been at that meeting had been erased, including from the minds of everyone in the room. He knew Steve wasn’t faking it. He honestly believed Buck had not been there. This force with which... Read more

September 9, 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska continues to repeat the claim that she opposed the so-called “Bridge to Nowhere” pork-barrel project. In her first public appearance as the running mate of Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, Palin made this claim with gusto, saying that she “told Congress thanks, but no thanks” on that project. The truth is, frankly, the opposite of that. As a candidate for governor, and then after she was elected, Palin was a forceful advocate for pork... Read more

September 8, 2008

“State paid for trip when Palin told students to pray for pipeline“ Gov. Sarah Palin used state funds in June when she traveled from Juneau to Wasilla to speak to graduating evangelical students and urge them to fan out through Alaska “to make sure God’s will be done here.” State records show that Palin submitted a travel authorization for a quick round-trip visit to attend the June 8 graduation of the Master’s Commission program at the Wasilla Assembly of God,... Read more

September 8, 2008

In my past life as an evangelical for social action, I had a much-photocopied dossier in my desk drawer from the Procter & Gamble corporation. This surreal document was the company’s sadly necessary response to the urban legend that the manufacturer of Tide, Crest and Dawn was some kind of satanic cult. Briefly, the idea was that the CEO of P&G had at some vague point in the recent past appeared on some talk show — Phil Donahue, or Sally... Read more

September 5, 2008

Left Behind, pp. 465-468 The final chapter of Left Behind tells us about Buck Williams’ conversion and about Buck’s big confrontation with the Antichrist and about Buck’s confusion as everyone around him becomes tangled in the Antichrist’s web of lies. The big finale, in other words, is all about Buck. And where is Rayford Steele during this end-of-the-book Buckapalooza? Last we saw him, more than 20 pages ago, he was back home, puttering around the house and mumbling about his... Read more

September 1, 2008

Some unintentional candor, revealing the speaker’s belief in an irreconcilable, binary opposition: “I want to thank my fellow Republicans as we take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats and say, America we are with you and we are going to care about these people in their time of need.” — Sen. John McCain, Republican presidential candidate, on plans to downscale the Republican National Convention as Hurricane Gustav approaches the Gulf Coast. A variation of this also... Read more

August 29, 2008

Left Behind, pp. 461-465 In the seven pages remaining in this book there are six phone conversations, some pager and intercom action, a cab ride, another New York-Chicago flight, and the introduction of a new character who dominates a few pages, turns out not to matter much and goes away without affecting the story. This last is Det. Sgt. Billy Cenni of New York’s finest. He is unnamed when we first meet him, just one of the indeterminate number of... Read more

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