January 18, 2008

Left Behind, pp. 393-395 Here, just after he finished typing Chapter 21 and just before he began churning out the first and only draft of Chapter 22, here is where I think Jerry Jenkins paused briefly to skim over the previous 392 pages. In doing so it seems he noticed a few — but only a few — mistakes. He seems to have reconsidered the impact of the whole Babel Fish incident — the explicitly divine harmless destruction of thousands... Read more

January 18, 2008

Everything is, everyone is, broken… “Pilgrimage,” R.E.M. “A Pillar of Salt,” The Thermals “Pillar to Post,” Aztec Camera “Pineapple Head,” Crowded House “Pink Cashmere,” Prince “Pink Houses,” John Mellencamp “Pink Moon,” Nick Drake “Plan of the Man,” The M’s “Planet Telex,” Radiohead “Play God,” Chagall Guevara Mellencamp’s reach exceeds his grasp a bit on “Pink Houses,” but I love what he’s grasping for. The heart of the song is a genuine affection, a genuine love even, for “people and more... Read more

January 17, 2008

I spent a year getting out of debt by doing corporate training — lots of three-day weekends in hotel meeting rooms with our account managers talking about sexual harassment and not creating a hostile workplace environment. If I were still working in that capacity, I would have to advise our managers not to hang this recent Pat Oliphant cartoon in their office. It’s exactly the sort of misogynist garbage that would get the company sued. And we would lose the... Read more

January 15, 2008

Today would have been the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 78th birthday. That honorific — “reverend” — refers to King’s vocation as an ordained Baptist minister. He was the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala. But King believed his ministry extended beyond his congregation. He believed that God had called him to work for justice not just in the hearts and lives of the believers at Dexter Avenue, but in all of Montgomery, in all of Alabama,... Read more

January 11, 2008

Left Behind, pp. 387-391 “I felt my heart strangely warmed,” John Wesley wrote of the moment of his conversion. Something similar is happening to Buck Williams in this passage, but his warmness is far stranger than Wesley’s: Buck did not trust himself to respond with coherence. He still had chills, yet he felt sticky with sweat. What was happening to him? He managed a whisper, “I want to thank you for your time, and for dinner,” he said. I don’t... Read more

January 9, 2008

“In the real world they pay professionals. That’s why we call them pros.” — Carver I finally caught the first episode of Season 5 of The Wire. Now that the show’s focus has widened to include my own trade, its almost Aristotelian* emphasis on virtue and craft seems even more emphatic. This thread runs throughout the series, a constant opposition of those who care about “the job” and those who care about the career. The “natural po-lice” are craftsmen. They... Read more

January 7, 2008

So with Jan. 6 come and gone, everybody seems to have taken down their Christmas lights. We have an Epiphany and the world gets darker — that seems backwards. – – – Al-Qaida has frequently employed a “sleeper-cell” strategy, with its agents posing as peaceful, innocent citizens. Now, let’s be very clear — I’m not saying that Adam Yoshida is a concealed terrorist, a Manchurian blogger. But on the other hand, it’s impossible to rule it out. These things are,... Read more

January 6, 2008

The invaders are everywhere, spanning the globe from the Far East to even here, in the United States. More than a billion of them. They are unruly, uncivilized, irrational. It’s not considered “PC” to say so, but millions of them are simply incapable of reason. And history has taught us, again and again, that they cannot be controlled; they cannot be ignored; they cannot be denied. They cannot be stopped. Forgive me again for being politically incorrect, but most of... Read more

January 5, 2008

Got me one of them spiffy USB turntables for Christmas and suddenly my shelf of useless vinyl isn’t so useless anymore. This thing is ridiculously cool. Right now I’m listening to the 12″ remix of The Mighty Lemon Drops’ “Inside Out” on my computer. (Last time I heard that was, unexpectedly, the Gilmore Girls finale.) Vinyl to iTunes. Life is good. So I’ve been sitting here with the stack o’ records — all the stuff that, for one reason or... Read more

January 4, 2008

Left Behind, pp. 384-387 Buck sat without interrupting as this most lucid and earnest professional calmly propounded a theory that only three weeks before Buck would have found absurd. We’re being given Buck’s point of view here, a window into his thoughts, so this choice of words is apparently his: a "most lucid and earnest professional calmly propounding a theory." Indubitably, my good man. Suddenly Buck Williams has turned into Bertie Wooster. Buck seems unduly impressed with Rayford’s after-the-fact prediction... Read more

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