Why Church Attendance Is Important for Kids

Why Church Attendance Is Important for Kids August 10, 2018

Do you attend church with your kids? By that I mean, do you sit together during the worship service or are you in the sanctuary and your kids in children’s church? While there’s nothing overtly wrong with children’s church, in this week’s video, I make the case for attending church in its entirety as a family on Sunday mornings.

I also address the four most common reasons why parents shuffle their children off to children’s church rather than sit in the pew together to hear God’s Word being preached. In no particular order, the reasons are:

  1. My kids are too young.
  2. My kids can’t sit still.
  3. My kids won’t understand the sermon.
  4. My kids will find church too boring.

Watch the video for how to overcome those objections, and how to prepare for a positive morning church experience with your children at your side.

After watching it, I challenge you to attend worship together as a family for four consecutive weeks—and see if that changes your view on church and children.

To connect with me and read more about raising kids, visit www.sarahhamaker.com.

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