By Guest Blogger Rachel Scott McDaniel
We live in a society that’s geared toward selfishness. Just think of some popular slogans—
L’Oreal: Because I’m worth it
Burger King: Have it your way
McDonald’s: I’m loving it.
This type of propaganda is everywhere. We’ve become a selfie-nation.
So how can we save our children from the daily bombardment that caters to the notion of me, me, me? How can we cultivate a heart of gratitude?
Thanksgiving is upon us. This holiday is way more than a fancy feast that we wear our stretchy pants to. It’s a celebration of the good things God has brought into our lives. A season to reflect on His abundant blessings.
But if we’re honest with ourselves, things can kind of get hectic—the holiday rush begins, Black Friday ads are being analyzed, Christmas decorations are getting dragged from the basement. Not to mention all the school functions. How can we keep our hearts filled with gratitude during this busy season?
Here are five easy and thrifty tips for the whole family:
- Give Out Fly-by Thank Yous. Grab some post-it notes and keep them handy. When someone does something to which you are thankful for, leave them a note. For example, when your kids put away their laundry, leave a quick note on their dresser drawer. This will encourage your children to write fly-by thank yous on their own.
- Create A Thankfulness Collage. Get a poster board and pin it in a place where everyone would see it. Put some markers in a basket close by. Each day of November, have everyone write down one thing they’re thankful for. At the end of the month, the entire board will be a beautiful display of gratitude.
- Keep a Thankfulness Journal. Gather some notebooks and write down things you are grateful for! You can have a time where your family gathers and shares some of their favorite entries. This is actually something that would be beneficial throughout the year. Then when your kiddos have a bad day you can have them bring out their journals and relive the moments when their hearts were grateful. What an attitude changer!
- Serve as a Family. A lot of churches and charities have Thanksgiving events for those who are in need. This is a great opportunity to serve as a family. You can also go shopping and collect food to donate for these charity dinners as well.
- Create a Blessings Jar. Snatch one of those old mason jars collecting dust in the back of your cabinet and place it in a prominent place in your house. Place slips of paper beside it with a pen. Whenever something good happens to you or your family, write it down. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the jar fills up. Do this for a full year, then next Thanksgiving you can read them aloud and reflect on all the blessings God has brought into your life.
Developing a grateful heart takes some consistency and discipline, but the reward is greater than the effort. For God delights in His children when their hearts are gracious toward Him.
About Rachel Scott McDaniel
Rachel Scott McDaniel is an award-winning author of historical romance. Winner of the ACFW Genesis Award and the RWA Touched By Love award, Rachel infuses faith and heart into each story. Her debut historical romance Above the Fold releases December 3, 2019. She currently enjoys life in Ohio with her husband and two kids. Rachel can be found online at http://www.RachelScottMcDaniel.comand on all social media platforms. To preorder Rachel’s upcoming novel Above the Fold, click here.