John Zmirak and I have been warning you for years. . . .
New Executive Director at Outreach
The implementation phase of the LGBT synod is accelerating rapidly. The LGBT media ministry, Outreach, which was founded by Fr. James Martin, has just announced the appointment of its first executive director. His name is Michael O’Loughlin, a former reporter for the Boston Globe and the Jesuit magazine, America. Based on his comments to the media, it is obvious that his new job is to organize a national movement of LGBT enforcement at all Catholic institutions. This comes from the Religion News Service:
“O’Loughlin told The Associated Press he’s excited by his new job, viewing it as a chance to expand the range of Outreach’s programs and the national scope of its community. ‘It’s an opportunity to highlight the ways LGBT people can be Catholic and active in parishes, ministries and charities,” he said. “There’s a lot of fear about being too public about it. … I want them to realize they’re not alone.’”
The Pro-LGBT Synod
LGBT inclusion and activism at all Catholic institutions and schools—that’s the synod’s goal for 2024, as I reported on my show, and O’Loughlin is the new man in charge of this mission here in America. As I reported on my last podcast, the set of questions for the new listening sessions happening this spring are focused on implementing the synod’s goals at all Catholic institutions. And what, exactly, are the synod’s goals? Frankly, it’s the acceptance of homosexuality, if the three post-synodal documents are a reliable indicator.
All three documents point to reform of the Church’s teachings on sexual ethics, with Fiducia Supplicans focused quite specifically on homosexual rights and participation in Church life. Fiducia lifted the ban against blessings for same-sex couples, while the synodal report called for changes in the Church’s teachings on sexual morality. The third document, the pope’s new motu proprio, added that these new, “science-based” changes in theology should ignite a “cultural revolution” and a “paradigm shift.”
So O’Loughlin is the American commissar in charge of implementing the LGBT “cultural revolution” at all of our institutions. His job is to make sure that openly gay activists are mobilized at Catholic organizations. He’s already got the Jesuit schools. Fordham hosts an annual conference for Outreach every summer. And as I stated on my podcast, Pope Francis just concluded a Vatican meeting with the entire Notre Dame Board of Trustees.
The Question of Doctrine
Now, if you’re a practicing and faithful Catholic, you might be scratching your head.
“How is it even possible to promote the acceptance of homosexuality in the Church? I thought homosexuality was a sin.”
If those are the thoughts running through your head, then you’re thinking correctly about these issues. But what you may not know is that, for the past fifty years or more, there has been a secret movement in Catholic seminaries to change the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. I document this history in my book Confronting the Pope of Suspicion.
The movement started in theology departments and argued that the Bible’s sexual morality—especially the teachings on homosexuality—needed to be changed because the Bible was outdated. They recommended that the Bible be replaced by “scientific research,” which, according to these heretical theologians, showed that homosexuality was as normal as heterosexuality. The major point of my book was to show that Pope Francis promoted this science heresy in Amoris Laetitia. My thesis was unpopular when I first published the book, with many “experts” arguing that Amoris was merely a pastoral document that made no changes in doctrine. My thesis that Amoris made doctrinal changes has since been vindicated many times.
See brief clip naming the pope’s heresies:
Most recently, it was National Catholic Reporter (NCR) that backed my claim that the pope’s statements on homosexuality are doctrinal, and not merely pastoral:
“It is a time of cautious hope for many LGBTQ Catholics, as Francis has shifted how the church speaks about and treats those on the margins due to their sexual orientation and gender identity. His boldest moves arguably came last year, when he approved doctrinal documents that allow, in certain instances, trans people to serve as godparents and be baptized, and gay couples to receive a blessing.
If this science heresy is allowed to circulate unopposed, a teacher at a Catholic school could conceivably teach with impunity that homosexuality was normal and not sinful because “science says so.” They could sue any school that fired them by arguing that they did not violate their duty to teach Catholic doctrine since they were following Amoris Laetitia.
Fighting “setbacks” against the LGBT community
I warned about this danger in my book. But it was the indomitable John Zmirak who alerted us first. Now O’Loughlin and his organization have turned our theory into a nightmarish reality. They are building a national organization and fundraising to fight any “setbacks” against LGBT activism in the Church. Here’s NCR again, quoting O’Loughlin:
“’I thought forming communities was important because these are spaces where the LGBT community can celebrate things like the recent document about blessing same-sex couples,’ he said. And perhaps even more importantly, they can come together if there are setbacks, ‘if there is a pope in the future who begins to crack down on the LGBT community,’ said O’Loughlin.”
Enter the Dubia Cardinals
Fortunately for us, Cardinal Burke has given us a simple solution to our problem. On July 10, 2023, he and four other Cardinals submitted a second set of questions, called “dubia,” to Pope Francis. The first question flatly repudiates any suggestion that science has the authority to change the moral teachings of the Bible. During listening sessions, every priest and bishop should be made to answer this dubium or face excommunication. A statement from the USCCB (national bishops’ conference) affirming the permanence of Divine Revelation should provide a sound legal defense against any heretical activism. This is your homework assignment.
(Submitted July 10, 2023)
1 Dubium about the claim that we should reinterpret Divine Revelation according to the cultural and anthropological changes in vogue.
After the statements of some Bishops, which have been neither corrected nor retracted, it is asked whether in the Church Divine Revelation should be reinterpreted according to the cultural changes of our time and according to the new anthropological vision that these changes promote; or whether Divine Revelation is binding forever, immutable and therefore not to be contradicted. . . .