Podcast – SYNOD Alert: LGBT Takeover of Catholic Schools

Podcast – SYNOD Alert: LGBT Takeover of Catholic Schools February 21, 2024

A church in ruins. SOURCE: knaeufle_de / Pixabay

The Cardinals Have Warned Us!

On my last podcast, which you can see below, I discussed the importance of the “Dubia Cardinals.” They issued a letter to all the faithful warning them that “highly placed prelates” in the Church and the ongoing Synod are contradicting Divine Revelation and that Pope Francis has not corrected these errors. Now that the first session of the Synod has concluded, we can see that the Dubia Cardinals were exactly right. The Church is facing an existential threat from its own shepherds and from the implementation of the present Synod’s goals. What are those goals? Bishop Robert Barron told us when he commented on the Synod’s Final Report:

A final point—and here I find myself in frank disagreement with the final synodal report—has to do with the development of moral teaching in regard to sex. The suggestion is made that advances in our scientific understanding will require a rethinking of our sexual teaching, whose categories are, apparently, inadequate to describe the complexities of human sexuality.

As I have been reporting, this year is the implementation phase of the Synod’s goals. And so we should not be surprised if we see an effort to change Church doctrine on sexual morality since that is what the Synod’s Final Report is calling for.  This is exactly what the American Jesuits are up to, as I report on my new podcast show (see below).

The Dubia Cardinals warned us that this is happening.  But the faithful are unaware because local bishops and pastors are keeping quiet about this terrible scandal in the Church.  That should not come as a surprise to anyone.  Keeping the faithful in the dark has been official Church policy here in America for more than fifty years.

You can do something about this. I am attaching a PDF that includes the letter of the Dubia Cardinals to all the faithful.  It also includes the first Dubium. CIRCULATE THIS PDF AT YOUR CHURCH!  And demand an answer from your pastor, from your bishop, and from the pope.

Thank you,

John Gravino

February 22, 2024

Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, Apostle of Jesus Christ

Letter From Dubia Cardinals—Plus PDF to Circulate

Here is a link to the letter from the Dubia Cardinals. The link is a PDF which you can download and print. Give this letter to your pastor, your bishop, and everyone at your church.  Demand that they respond to the Dubia Cardinals and condemn the heresy that is spreading through the Church and the Synod.


Circulate this letter from the Dubia Cardinals!


Soul Science, Episode #8

Show Notes

  • https://twitter.com/CatholicVote/status/1758579954495729802
  • https://edwardpentin.co.uk/full-text-of-new-dubia-sent-to-pope-francis-by-five-cardinals/
  • https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/barron/my-experience-of-the-synod/
  • https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/cardinal-zen-synod-agenda-confusion/
  • https://www.patheos.com/blogs/soulscience/2024/02/breaking-jesuits-appoint-director-for-lgbt-activism/
  • https://outreach.faith/2024/02/james-f-keenan-s-j-the-synod-should-embrace-the-radically-inclusive-friendship-of-the-lgbtq-community/
  • https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2024/02/14/amanpour-kim-daniels-pope-francis.cnn

Partial, Edited Transcript

Hey everyone! This is John Gravino. Welcome to another edition of Soul Science. You can see from the screen up here that I’m calling this one, “A Call to Action—Stop the Synod.”  I’m going to explain that in just a second. But before I do that, I want to talk about the news. If you follow Catholic pundits on social media, everyone’s been talking about  New York City and St Patrick’s Cathedral and some kind of a funeral that they had there.  

St. Patrick’s Cathedral

Here’s a screenshot from Twitter /X  by Catholic Vote. It’s a video clip from this terrible hijacking of St Patrick’s Cathedral by a group of  “trans activists,” as  Catholic  Vote described them. I think the description here is very accurate. This is inside St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The mob staged a supposed funeral for Cecilia Gentili, “a transgender, atheist prostitute,” who was eulogized as a “great whore.”  They called her “St. Cecilia, mother of all whores.” And then Catholic Vote goes on

to say that they were mocking the Christian faith. Certainly that’s true.  There’s so much  video footage of this terrible thing. People are running around.  From what I read, people were dressed very inappropriately. . . .

So if I can sum up the eulogy for this “trans, atheist prostitute.” . . .  But how can you be an atheist and get a Christian burial?   That, I don’t understand.  Right? A person could, you know, have rejected their past as a trans prostitute. But I don’t see how you can continue being an atheist and get a Christian burial.

Eulogy: “Sexual Sin Is Holy.” ???

 So, according to what the officials from St Patrick’s Cathedral are saying, they were duped into this. This was some sort of a deception. You know, this makes a very good case for … maybe you need to be a registered member of the parish in order to get a burial. Right? There’s got to be some way of vetting who’s receiving services from the Catholic Church. Anyway, it was very clear from the audience that these were not believing people. Right? And if you could summarize the eulogy. . . . It was basically saying that sexual sin is holy. Right?  That’s apostasy. That’s heresy. It’s not Catholic. But that’s what happens when you let into the Church people that reject your teaching.

A Call to Action

And that’s what this “call to action” is all about. Because that’s what  Pope Francis’ Synod is all about. And

I’m going to connect all these dots for you in just a second. But let’s get to this “call to action.”  Here is the action item up on the screen. This is your homework assignment. I’m asking lay people, concerned  Catholics, and anyone who believes in the Bible should take this action. Because we are all threatened by what’s happening in the Synod.

I’m asking people to write or to email or contact through social media the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  That’s what the “USCCB” stands for. And you need to demand from them a response to the dubia that which were originally sent to Pope Francis on July 10th of 2023. 

Now, if you’ve been following these stories, you know that there was a set of dubia sent to Pope

Francis back in 2016. This is a second set of dubia. And it’s also a second set of “Dubia Cardinals.” Some of them are the same. Brandmüller and Cardinal Burke are both back for the second round. But we have new Cardinals as well. Cardinal Sarah from Africa. . . . [Watch the show for the whole story.]

About John Gravino
John Gravino is the author of The Immoral Landscape of the New Atheism, which was the topic of a health and spirituality seminar at Duke Medical School. He continues to explore the intersection of health and religion and the other big questions of life right here at Patheos. You can read more about the author here.
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