October 5, 2012

Saturn leaves the sign of Libra and enters the sign of Scorpio today at 2pm Pacific Time and moves through the sign of death, sex and transformation until December 23 of 2014, with a little back tracking from June 2015 through September 2015. So regarding the energies of the planet Saturn, otherwise known as the teacher, having rulership over lessons, hardship, structure, responsibility, safety, rules, wisdom, respect and mastership, we are entering into a new time period indeed. This period... Read more

September 17, 2012

Pluto goes direct today in Capricorn closely squaring Uranus in Aries. Mercury, the planet of communication just went into Libra, the sign of balance and fairness; add to that the Sun going into Libra for the Autumnal Equinox on Saturday and we’ve got a very distinct shifting of energy. Skipping down life’s stepping stone path, we’re once again at a point where one segment of time makes way for a new segment of time and with that comes new opportunities,... Read more

August 23, 2012

This week the Sun goes into Virgo the sign of healing, fixing, cleaning, the sign of the Virgin, the symbol of perfection and purity. Virgo is the sign of health, food and service. It is classically the time of year of the harvest. We bring in the crop that’s been growing all summer and replenish our food supply. Metaphorically, it’s a time to renew our nourishment. We are nourished by so many things; inspiration and passion are the food of... Read more

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