Saturn leaves the sign of Libra and enters the sign of Scorpio today at 2pm Pacific Time and moves through the sign of death, sex and transformation until December 23 of 2014, with a little back tracking from June 2015 through September 2015. So regarding the energies of the planet Saturn, otherwise known as the teacher, having rulership over lessons, hardship, structure, responsibility, safety, rules, wisdom, respect and mastership, we are entering into a new time period indeed.
This period emphasizes the ultimates of life, the ramifications of how you’ve been using your power, financial, sexual, emotional and psychological. It may feel like a time of trying to protect oneself, provide not only material security but soul security. It enhances awareness of death and therefore obsessive urges to try and control all things mysterious and beyond our control. Abortion, euthanasia, who has sex with who, who controls the money and power in the world, these things will all be focused on even more than they already are.
Saturn was last in Scorpio 1982 through 1985 and people ask me, “Is this a good thing or a bad thing?” It can feel challenging and therefore be labeled as bad until we integrate and get used to the deepened consciousness. The energy adds another component to the transformation these times are demanding and really it will be very helpful in grounding and stabilizing that re-birth process. Saturn in Scorpio will eventually feel like we’ve made progress with the process, getting productive and revealing results. Personally and in Society we get more intensely focused and committed to healing. Mostly because it’s very painful otherwise. So in that regard, it’s a good thing. It’s the next chapter in letting go of what is no longer working and getting on with renewal and regeneration.
Saturn going into Scorpio is accompanied by Mercury, planet of communication going into Scorpio and getting ready to start the shadow of it’s next retrograde, the shadow starts October 8. We can be very mentally obsessive and intense, life requires full focus now and that focus comes easily. Watch – all the issues that are emerging this week will be in play through the end of December and require some grappling with to feel any level of control. But the result will be a greater sense of direction and purpose and updated goals pertinent to releasing the past, re-tooling and moving forward productively.
Unfortunately though, the retrograde period starts November 6 – Election Day, through November 26. VOTE EARLY if you can, Election Day will be very difficult and disrupted – BUT I’m confident good will prevail, it just may take a while to get there.
The sign of Scorpio is pictured by the Scorpion which hides under a rock and stings its mate to death after coupling . . . what more needs to be said about the dark side of Scorpio. The urges and desires are so intense and so potentially repressed at the same time, that a deep seething psychological stew ensues which causes pain in direct proportion to the soul’s resistance, and eventually results in alchemical evolution. A deeply refined Magician and Healer is the result. This is part of the tone poem of the upcoming several years. People will be more willing to work together and get something done; we will learn to share resources. We’ll wake up in January of 2013 freed from the “end of times” myth and be able to focus and get to work.
The high side of Scorpio is represented by the Phoenix or the Eagle. Having mastered the dross or base nature, deciding it’s better and easier to feel good than to feel bad, the soul is transformed and soars through the atmosphere with unlimited power focused like a laser. In this way Saturn in Scorpio is the Healer and the Transformed One.
Saturn holds us on a leash which is not always pleasant, we can struggle and fret and fume while being held but meanwhile we ripen, mature and deepen into wisdom, patience and eventual mastership. This deepening forces the mind to become more serious and sober and concentrate upon healing the problems of life. Those constricted, miserly, plaque filled, crystallized obstructions change through perseverance and focused dedication and lots of stuff simply dies a natural death of obsolescence. Be prepared to release and approach life with an open hand instead of a fist. The “shit” if you will, is turned into the fertilizer for the next cycle of growth. It is recycling at its finest.
Saturn in Scorpio gives emotional intensity and strength, but it needs proper handling. There is an urgent lust for power, accompanied by secretive, depth level psychological plunges which may look fairly dark. There is an ability to love greatly or hate bitterly. It is very passionate and uncompromising and demands positive action. There can be no indulgence in negativity, hate or greed. It will be magnified and get out of control.
Mars going into Sagittarius immediately after Saturn goes into Scorpio bodes well for an uplifted, positive “roll up your sleeves” attitude that will lighten the mood considerably and help initiate this new phase with optimism and openness. Then we temporarily get a little stymied because of the Mercury Retrograde in November 6 through 26, did I mention Vote EARLY if you can.
Look for continued financial constriction, continued attempts to control peoples sex lives, continued pre-occupation with death and a perceived lack of resources but also eventually more maturity, fairness and re-structuring in those areas as the two years progress.
The next few days we might feel tired and a bit sobered as we process the new energetic dynamic – stay calm and centered, be alert and aware of what can be let go of, know we are entering a Mastership program that we are all ready for – focus on a psychological or healing pursuit this week end and welcome in the energy of the spiritual warrior. We’re aware of the term “light worker”. Saturn in Scorpio is a “dark worker” and a most powerful ally in forging through the mysteries of these marvelous times we find ourselves in.