Paying Attention to What Is

Paying Attention to What Is August 10, 2015

IMG_1880It was my annual 3-day summer retreat at a reduced rate resort in Scottsdale and I was ready to lounge by the pool. As I was about to enter, I noticed a swarm of about 40 elementary to middle school-aged kids with their camp counselors also entering the pool area. It was a charity event for the inner-city kids and they were ready to whoop it up.

This was not my idea of a contemplative day at the pool. I thought about turning around and making a new plan. And then I remembered being that age and how much fun I used to have going to the YMCA pool in the summer. How about instead of feeling resistant, I just sit and pay attention as the children enjoy their outing?

It was amazing. And not only because being the only hotel guest to brave the pool that afternoon resulted in free iced tea for me from the poolside grill. I simply gave in to the chaos and paid attention to what was.

Neon swimsuits were big this summer.

Squirt guns continue to be the number one pool toy for this age group.

Kid #1:  Hey, you squirted me.

Kid #2: It wasn’t me.

Kid #1: It was.

Kid #2: Blame it to my face!

Everyone knows all the words to Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball.

There were no wallflowers in the bunch. Even the obvious introverts interacted and played well with the most boisterous extraverts.

The frenetic pace slowed down at the one-hour mark. But three kids didn’t want to leave the water even after lunch was served and they had been at it for 90 minutes of hard play.

I couldn’t help but notice the contrast between their energy levels and my own. I had been fighting a virus for five weeks and while I was on my way to well, I was still somewhere in-between sick and healthy. It made me happy to see that much joy in motion.

What I also noticed is that I don’t do this nearly enough—simply being in the moment and paying attention to what is. Even though I know this to be a time honored spiritual practice and I’m aware of the benefits for calming the brain and lowering anxiety.

And the beauty of that is I don’t have to have a lot of energy to pay attention.  We can do this at our own pace.

For more about spiritual direction as I practice it, please check out my website.

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