April 20, 2022

    It seems the tension between saints and sinners is, was, and always will be an enigma for Christians. The Jesus tradition has a history of horrible and wonderful acts within society. We seem to always bring about the worst or best in people (I guess you can say that about any religion, right?). From developing hospice care to witch trials/burnings – we always are taking the lead to social evolution or digression. People will argue that Christianity has... Read more

April 16, 2022

  Saturday, Saturday! Oh Saturday, Saturday! God is dead and buried, it’s time to celebrate! Hell no, we cry (not I said the fly)! We don’t really cheer for God being buried, right? We are all about the resurrection. With good reason. Nobody is ready to party at someone’s burial. We mourn, we cry, and we curse. These are all healthy and needed reactions to death in the ground.    But as Christian’s, we should always look at something with... Read more

April 12, 2022

  We need more monks. Not necessarily the actual monks in monasteries around the world (though I am not against it) but more of the monk spirit. Yes, we have seen the mystic movement within Christianity in the last decade or so, and that is fantastic!  What if we can take that mysticism and put it into practice? Monasticism is a way of leaving the world entirely and vowing solitary confinement. To be within that realm is good for a... Read more

April 8, 2022

  You would think working from home would help cease the madness of road rage. Well, unfortunately, I live right by a main road, so traffic is heavy (yay). When the traffic is bad, the rage flows like the ancient rivers of Babylon (dramatic?). Just today, I heard from my window a man cuss-out an older gentleman for almost “killing him”. Called him a “old fogie f%$#”, I believe. We could go in many directions with how this type of... Read more

April 4, 2022

  When the Pauline letters lay out the way to build up the Bride of Christ, we shouldn’t stop at his suggestions but continue it in love. Like all types of motifs throughout the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, we always should be inclined to add onto the spiritual layers of the good book. Paul writes: Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the... Read more

April 1, 2022

  When it comes to comedy styles, I cannot help but be more inclined to the slapstick persuasion. Ever since watching Abbot and Castillo meets Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I was hooked. Don’t forget The Three Stooges the trail blazers, of course (hey Moe). Oh and Dumb and Dumber (I like a lot)! Jim Carrey goes off (one of his best if I can be so bold). The full body expression that energizes and amplifies the whole cosmos is... Read more

March 27, 2022

Who is over this us vs. them culture war we are experiencing in the U.S.? Am I the only one? I can’t be, can I? Tell me it isn’t so? The American political divide is expanding. The two-party system is only bringing about more issues with getting laws passed to better help equip our country. Looks like the only thing we are agreeing with lately is being at war with Russia in the very near future (yay). We can go... Read more

March 24, 2022

      Have you ever experienced a good comedy bit? You know, the ones that stay with you for-ev-er (Squints from The Sandlot voice) and ever? They do really make an impact, at least for me. I still can visualize scenes from past movies or good comedy sketches that made me bust-up. This feeling does a great many things for my psyche and well-being. Like seeing the car (The Mirth Mobile) scene from Wayne’s World and forever being changed... Read more

March 21, 2022

Wouldn’t it be nice to embrace spiritual moments where instead of having a negative reaction, we would just step back and laugh it off? When discussing anything when it comes to certain moments in our lives, I do believe it’s spiritual (everything is spiritual, right Rob Bell?). It would be safe to assume then – when stepping into moments that might have a negative effect in our lives – carrying the momentum of lightness and openness would be the healthier... Read more

February 11, 2022

Please check out my guest blog post for Patheos below and let me know what you think! https://www.patheos.com/blogs/faithforward/2022/02/detaching-from-american-christianity/     .                   Read more

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