Mary Magdalene, Seven Daily Demons, and Seven Antidotes

Mary Magdalene, Seven Daily Demons, and Seven Antidotes July 27, 2016


(Image: Avarice by Jesus Solana courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Avarice, greed, covetousness. Whatever you want to call it, this is the sin that tells us to HAVE ALL THE THINGS! Especially my neighbor’s things! It’s a pretty easy ledge to back onto- there all sorts of things we ought to want (or at least reasonably can want) – health, friendships, security of our homes and possessions, success, a reputation good enough to be welcomed in our communities, etc. But when we want theses things without working for the things that require work, when we want our neighbors’ things instead of wanting each to have what they need, then we fall into greed. Greed is also found in exaggerated attachments to what we have and what we consider our own. This sin can be a hard one to spot – for myself I assume that I shouldn’t expect to find myself  free of sinful attitudes, but that I should keep an eye out for when something causes them to surface. Then it is time to make a change. When greedy attitudes surface, that would be a change in favor of . . .

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