A Late Summer Tin Cup Rattle– Plus! How to Use The New Button!

A Late Summer Tin Cup Rattle– Plus! How to Use The New Button! August 28, 2017


I don’t like to post a request like this more than once every three months or so, but I’m in a bit of a situation, so please hear me out. I’ll go back to writing readable things later today, I promise.

Lord knows I’m all kinds of pretentious, but I’m not the kind who pretends my blog is an “apostolate” or an “institute” and you’re all giving me “donations” to help in a bleeding culture war. This is a blog, where Michael and I make art and preach justice for the poor and sometimes write book or film reviews. I’m home bound about half the time with my autoimmune disorder; Michael is my stay-at-home caregiver and the one who raises my daughter when I have to be sick in bed sixteen hours a day, so we work from home as writers and we busk for tips to keep writing. You guys keep the lights on, we keep providing art and sermons– hopefully both in the same post. And my readers have been wonderful about showing their appreciation, both through sharing my posts and through tips. We’re often buried in an avalanche of little five-and-ten-dollar gifts in the online tip jar. Some months we scrape by. Some months I feel like we’re rich.

Just at this moment we’re not rich, because it’s summertime when people like to go outside instead of hunching over their computers like the good Lord intended; and because, as an unintended consequence of Patheos’s great new website layout, the tip jar is a little harder to find. And, as I explained last time, Michael and I are stuck with gigantic utility bills this time of year because we have to keep the menagerie of window air conditioners on full blast to keep my autoimmune symptoms under control.

Did you know it’s legal to charge someone a “deposit” of over two hundred dollars on the electric bill when they haven’t been disconnected yet, just because they’re late? Turns out it is, and that was just the deposit.

So, I beg you one more time for the summer, if you like what you read, give me a tip so I can keep the internet router on and keep writing. If you don’t like what you read but want to do a work of mercy, give me a tip. If you just want to be mean to me, there’s apparently a box where you can type a memo with your tip when you donate, so make a donation and then you’ll get an opportunity to privately call me a parasite in the memo. It’s more fun than the combox because no one will know but me. If you can’t donate, keep us in your prayers, keep reading and sharing, and God bless you.

How do you do it? Read carefully, it’s changed since the new website layout. There is no longer a button on the side of the page for PC users, and the button is not a tacky shade of yellow anymore. Go to the top of my page, under the now-much-smaller Steel Magnificat banner. Click on the “donate” tab. Click on the white rectangle that says “PayPal: the safer, easier way to pay online!” You’ll be taken to a page that says “Donate to the Little Portion,” which is the name I call my house and so I named my PayPal account that too. PayPal will walk you through everything else.

Thank you again. Now, back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

(image via Pixabay)






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