The Summer Request

The Summer Request June 6, 2022


Hi folks,

This isn’t a real blog post, it’s just your periodic reminder that Steel Magnificat, and my family, run almost entirely on gratuities. I get a tiny check, which is three figures and is only coming every two months lately, for clicks on the blog in the United States. I get nothing for clicks in most other countries. And I have a tip jar where satisfied readers and people who just want to be nice can slip me a few dollars whenever they like. Think of it as a magazine subscription where you get to pay whatever you want and can keep reading even if you can’t afford to pay. Some people sign up to tip at the same time every month and some just tip whenever they can, and I am very grateful for everybody’s patronage. The button says “donate” but they’re not charitable donations, just tips. I pay taxes on them– kind of a lot of taxes since nothing is withheld from my paycheck during the year.

Sometimes we get so many tips we feel rich, and some months we’re so poor we can’t get by. We’ve had a little of both already this year. We just got one of Steubenville’s astronomical water bills and there are several other bills on the horizon ready to clobber us. The severe heat of summer is just around the corner, and that’s when our electric bills skyrocket.

So, as always, I ask: if you like what you read, give me a tip when you can! Just click on the bright yellow button here and Paypal will walk you through the rest. And you can’t afford to click, thank you for reading, engaging and sharing.

And now back to blog posts worth reading!



Image via pixabay

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