At the End of the American Experiment

At the End of the American Experiment November 6, 2024

an American flag, fluttering upside down
image via Pixabay

There is little to say, but I’ll say it again.

I did this eight years ago, I’ve done it countless times since, and I’m doing it again now.

I’m saying that this is wrong.

Authoritarianism is wrong. Racism, xenophiobia and nativism are wrong. Rape, sexual abuse, and misogyny are wrong. White supremacism is wrong. Glorifying the wealthy and presuming they should rule merely because they are wealthy, is wrong. These things are against the Gospel. They are against common sense. They are against everything good that America ever claimed to stand for.

Supporting an authoritarian who will harm the helpless, because you think he will make your country powerful and wealthy, is wrong because it’s mistaken, and it is also morally wrong. And no, it’s not pro-life.

Jesus did not come to earth to establish an earthly kingdom. At every chance He had to establish an earthly kingdom, he refused one. Christianity is not meant to be an empire. Empire is forever diametrically opposed to the Gospel. White Christian nationalism heresy, it is is anti-Christ, and betrays everything Christ stands for.

I don’t think the Democratic party is a saintly or even a very good party. I threw everything behind them because they are a political party and not a personality cult. And I was right to do so. It was a good bet to have made. But it failed. I am afraid that democracy is something that only exists if enough people choose to believe in democracy. And the Democratic party was a party that believed in Democracy, pitted against a cabal that didn’t. And the American people sided with the cabal, and God help us now.

Donald Trump and J. D. Vance are evil men. They are not examples of what Christianity ought to be. They are not pro-life. They should never have held office in the first place. They should not hold office now. I expect that we’ll have president Vance before the end of Trump’s second term, and that will not be an improvement in any way. It will be worse, because Vance is sane.

I do not regret doing everything I possibly could to fight to keep this from happening.

I am proud that I did everything I possibly could to keep this from happening.

I am going to resist their agenda however I can. I am going to continue to speak out as I can. I am going to do everything in my power to shield the vulnerable. And I call upon all Americans of goodwill to do the same. If you follow Christ, don’t make this easy for them.

Fascist regimes steal countries. They run on the steam of fervor for a maniacal person with a cult following. They do immeasurable harm. They seem as if they will last forever. Good people fight them, and pay the price. And then they fall. We will see the end of this one, after awhile. It’s going to be hard, but it will come to an end.

It was necessary wishful thinking, but wishful thinking nonetheless, to think we could defeat fascism with a vote.
Why should we be that lucky? How many people throughout history have been faced with such a regime, and were lucky enough to defeat it with a vote? We’ll have to defeat it some other way.
The one thing we must not do is comply in advance.



Mary Pezzulo is the author of Meditations on the Way of the Cross, The Sorrows and Joys of Mary, and Stumbling into Grace: How We Meet God in Tiny Works of Mercy.


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