Judge Rules in Favor of Trump Accuser, Orders He Must Sit for Deposition

Judge Rules in Favor of Trump Accuser, Orders He Must Sit for Deposition June 5, 2018

With the whole #MeToo movement and the momentum it picked up in October 2017, beginning with the news of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s multiple offenses, the biggest question that has gone unanswered is: How has President Trump gotten away with everything he has been accused of?

Before the 2016 Election, around twenty women came forward with tales of sexual misconduct at the hands of then-candidate Trump.

What’s more, these women came forward after an “Access Hollywood” recording from 2005 was released, with Donald Trump discussing his misogyny with host, Billy Bush.

So why wasn’t he stained by this revelation? How did he manage to not only walk away from it, but won the presidency with these charges and his own words hanging over his head?

For starters, the Democrats went out of their way to run the most awful, corrupted, and tone-deaf candidate they could, simply because she was a woman and fit their identity politics.

It was a really bad move, on their part.

Now, however, President Trump’s past may be calling, and it will test his attorney, Rudy Giuliani’s theory that as president, Donald Trump is untouchable, and above the laws of mortal men.

In 2017, a former contestant on Trump’s reality TV show, “The Apprentice” brought a lawsuit for defamation, and a Manhattan judge has determined that the president must sit and be deposed.

In a court order, Judge Jennifer Schechter set a Jan. 31, 2019, deadline for both parties to be deposed in the lawsuit, the New York Post reported. The parties also now face a July 13 deadline to issue requests for documents in the case.

The lawsuit brought by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on “The Apprentice,” alleges that Trump defamed her by publicly claiming she had fabricated claims that Trump groped and kissed her without her consent in 2007.

Zervos was one of the many women who came forward after the “Access Hollywood” audio was released.

For now, Trump’s attorneys are attempting to intervene and prevent the president from giving a deposition. They’ve appealed the case to a New York Court of Appeals and now wait to hear the court’s decision.

Mark Kasowitz, a lawyer for Trump, also said on Tuesday that he would seek to block Zervos’s lawyers from asking the president about other women who allege they were sexually harassed or assaulted by Trump, the Post reported.

Schechter’s order came two weeks after Kasowitz argued in a court filing that the president is immune to prosecution, and offered point-by-point denials of the allegations against Trump.

Geez, has Kasowitz been talking to Giuliani?

Zervos’ attorneys have asked to formally question Donald Trump, and that’s one of those issues they may have to wait to have an answer for, as well.

I do understand that Trump’s misogyny and the way it was brushed away by the GOP, as well as so many voters (including women and self-identified “evangelicals”) may have created a sort of backlash. I won’t say the #MeToo movement was built on the disgraceful foundation of Trumpism, but I’m not ready to say it didn’t play a part.

It will be interesting to see how far Zervos and her attorneys can carry this case.


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