Pardoned Trump Loyalist Gets Slammed for Blatant Hypocrisy

Pardoned Trump Loyalist Gets Slammed for Blatant Hypocrisy June 6, 2018

This was a bit of sweet justice, and CNN host Alisyn Camerota was right to make the recently pardoned Dinesh D’Souza explain himself.

D’Souza was pardoned by President Trump last week, and has simultaneously talked about principles, as if he’s some noble truth teller, while also acting like an arrogant, unrepentant scoundrel.

Anyone who has followed D’Souza’s social media persona has seen some of the ugliest characteristics known to this fallen human nature come slithering to the surface.

Anyone who followed his case knows he was guilty (he pleaded guilty, said he knew what he did was wrong, and apologized).

For Trump to pardon him is nothing short of a political favor for a loyalist. And from what some sources are whispering, the pardon thing gives Trump a sense of “power,” so he’s roaming the halls of the White House, asking people who to pardon, next.

Just watch Fox News to see who they start recommending, if you want to know who’s next.

But back to the felon, Dinesh D’Souza.

He was in the middle of a five year probation when Trump stepped in and granted him a pardon.

This exchange between Camerota and D’Souza was gold.

Pointing out that D’Souza said that Trump pardoned him so he could be a voice for his principles, Camerota brought up his old tweets with “racist overtones,” including one in which he called Obama’s father “a philandering, inebriated African socialist.”

“I’m confused, what are the principles that you are hoping to be able to talk about now and spread?” Camerota asked.

“Obama’s father was a philandering, inebriated African socialist as a matter of fact,” D’Souza replied.

“Are you anti-philandering?” Camerota shot back.

After a pause, D’Souza protested, “look I’m not talking about this.”

Wait. Why isn’t he willing to talk about it?

If he has a point to make, he should make it, and be sure to apply those “principles” he was so eager to speak of.

I’ll agree with him that Barack Obama’s father was philandering. And he was from Africa. And he was a socialist. He may have been inebriated quite often, but I don’t know how often, if at all.

He came over and impregnated Ann Dunham, when he had a wife back in Kenya, apparently. He then abandoned Dunham and his toddler son, Barack. It’s a horrible thing.

Say, would Donald Trump’s multiple adulteries and oft-admitted misogyny be considered “philandering”?

I would think so, and as a man of principles, we can expect Dinesh D’Souza to use the same measuring stick on Donald Trump, at some point.

We can, right?

Camerota is apparently of the same frame of mind, and she [rightly] called D’Souza out, when he fumbled and blustered, saying he wouldn’t talk about it.

I guess he just wanted to keep talking about how principled he is, and how great Donald Trump is for recognizing it.

“I am trying to figure out what your principles are and they seem confusing,” Camerota said. “Because you are a supporter of the president and the idea that you would go after President Obama’s father for philandering and for being vulgar, that strikes some as hypocritical.”

“Why aren’t you speaking out about President Trump’s philandering?” she asked. “Why aren’t you speaking about out about his vulgarity?”

Why, Dinesh? Why?

I mean, it’s not like she’s asking you to explain why you got engaged to another woman, while still married to your first wife, or about your first wife’s claims of your physical abuse. She just wants to know about how you can trash Obama’s father, but give Donald Trump a pass for equally repugnant behavior.

It’s a valid line of inquiry.

Because Trump pardoned you to be a voice for your principles, after all.

Excuse my skepticism. It’s been a long couple of years and the road to this place of rejecting partisan tribalism has been rocky, but it appears to me that D’Souza’s “principles” looks an awful lot like hypocrisy.


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