WHOA: White House Counsel Covers His Back by Cooperating FULLY With Mueller

WHOA: White House Counsel Covers His Back by Cooperating FULLY With Mueller August 18, 2018

Oh, my!

Well, I have to hand it to Don McGahn, White House counsel. He assessed the land mine being planted in the White House back in January 2017, along with all the associated stinking baggage that came with it, and acted accordingly.

A new report from the New York Times reveals that McGahn has spent over thirty hours, in three separate interviews, voluntarily working with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team, in regards to the ongoing Russia probe.

McGahn began working with Mueller’s team last year, after the original group of President Trump’s lawyers felt he had nothing to hide and wanted to express that by working as openly with special counsel, as possible.

Then, one by one, lawyers began to jump ship. Why was that?

While the nuances of each attorney’s decision may wait for now, McGahn had his own concerns.

However, the Times reports that McGahn became concerned over his growing exposure in the investigation and began to suspect the president was setting him up to take the fall for any alleged obstruction of justice.

McGahn and his own lawyer, William Burck, then decided for the White House counsel to do as much on his own to cooperate with Mueller, the newspaper reported.

MAGA… My Attorneys Got Attorneys…

Of those topics McGahn has discussed with Mueller, the incident of Trump’s firing of then-FBI Director James Comey came up. Also, Trump’s repeated and insistent urging of Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reinsert himself into authority over the case – presumably so he can fire Mueller and end the probe.

It’s not necessarily an “all bad” situation for the president, however.

McGahn has told investigators that the president attempted to control the investigation by giving a mixture of potentially damaging and favorable information concerning Trump, the newspaper reported. But the White House counsel told Mueller’s team he never saw Trump overstep his legal authorities.

Does that mean he didn’t overstep his legal authority? Well, the story doesn’t say that, either. Trump’s Twitter habits uncover something new and amazing, every day.

In response to this new report, the White House offered this:

“The president and Don have a great relationship. He appreciates all the hard work he’s done, particularly his help and expertise with the judges, and the Supreme Court,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Times.

Yes. That’s very nice, but what is going on here?

Part of the story from the Times suggests that Donald Trump came into the White House believing that White House counsel would act as his personal counsel, shielding Trump and his special interests, above all.

That’s wrong. McGahn, as White House counsel, works for the people. Because of this, the report notes that President Trump began to question McGahn’s “loyalty.”

Everything is about loyalty to him, you see.

Other tidbits from the story point out Trump’s volatile temper tantrums, that are so bad, McGahn has taken to referring to him as “King Kong” behind his back.

This was a smart move on McGahn’s part. Trump’s history is one steeped in dirty dealing and stabbing others in the back. McGahn’s role as White House attorney has always been to maintain the integrity of the office, not play consigliore to some two-bit mob hustler in an oversized tie.

As someone else pointed out, however, if I were McGahn, I’d start having somebody check my car in the mornings.




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