Trump’s Ego Makes the U.S. Less Safe

Trump’s Ego Makes the U.S. Less Safe May 5, 2019

So what would you call this? Blind hope, or overwhelming idiocy?

I know what I call it, and it ain’t hopeful.

To set the scene: Since 2017, when Donald Trump first took office, we’ve all had a ringside seat to a man who has gone out of his way to alienate and drive away our international allies, while simultaneously courting our geopolitical foes.

Given my evangelical foundation, this is where I always hear from someone touting the “bold” steps Trump has made in favor of Israel.

Yes, Israel is the one ally he has not openly insulted or demeaned, but consider what he did with the move of the embassy to Jerusalem in public was very different than what he was doing in private, and you realize that’s only a political move to dazzle the evangelical portion of his base.

Even that is not without a price. He has said on multiple occasions, once even surprising Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a press briefing, that Israel will have to “give up” something, in return.

Putting his pro-Israel song-and-dance aside, Americans should be stunned and repulsed at his acquiescence to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and his touted “love affair” with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

President Trump continuously harps on the need for “good relationships” with people who are absolutely opposed to our nation’s dominant position on the world stage, and would like nothing better than to see us fall.

On the one hand, I get it, and agree. It would be wonderful to lay aside animosities and forge comfortable connections with all people.

On the other hand, however, how do you do that when the other side not only will not lay down their animosity towards you, but actively works against you and your interests?

You don’t do it by playing the submissive, as Trump continues to do.

The problem with Donald Trump is solely rooted in his fragile ego and hunger to be seen as a real, world player, rather than a dupe.

He wants to make moves that are seen as historic, such as bonding with Putin’s Russia, or befriending a maniacal tyrant in Kim, in hopes of “taming the beast.”

Such is that drive, that when failure is sitting in his face and the house is burning down around him, he will ignore it, calling it a “win.”

It is not a win.

President Trump has signaled to despots around the world that mere flattery can gain his allegiance, and for our nation, as well as our allies, it does not bode well.

Such is the folly of electing vain, corrupt men, simply because they say the angry, empty words we want to hear.

On Saturday, President Trump spent the morning lashing out about the media and the Russia probe, as well as praising his dictator pals, Putin and Kim.

I told you about his Friday call to Vladimir Putin, where they talked over an hour, and Trump failed to tell Putin he expected there to be no Russian interference with the 2020 election.

He didn’t tell him because he doesn’t give the orders in that relationship.

“Very good call yesterday with President Putin of Russia. Tremendous potential for a good/great relationship with Russia, despite what you read and see in the Fake News Media. Look how they have misled you on ‘Russia Collusion.’ The World can be a better and safer place. Nice!” Trump tweeted early Saturday.

We’ve all gotten used to Trump’s Twitter feed being full of utter nonsense, but this is the musings of a fool.

Russia committed a hostile act against our nation. It is not their goal to get along with us. As usual, however, Trump will ignore his own intelligence and law enforcement agencies, even to the point of demonizing them, in order to bow to Putin.

Also on Friday evening came the news that North Korea had fired a number of short-range projectiles towards Japan.

There was no damage, and the projectiles landed in the Sea of Japan, according to South Korea’s military, but this was more of a message than an attempt at anything.

Kim Jong Un is signaling that they have not, and will not give up their nuclear ambitions, no matter what Donald Trump tells the world.

In the early days of Trump’s administration, he and Kim were at odds, trading insults and threats.

All it took was a few flowery words and letters from Kim to the president, and as Trump told one of his rally crowds, they “fell in love.”

This was the hook. Even as report after report came in, regarding North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear weaponry, Trump ignored it all, praising Kim as a great leader – leaving out the part of systematic, state-sanctioned rape, torture, imprisonment, and murder of his own people – and gushing over their relationship.

When news came in on Friday evening of the launch of those projectiles, some reports of Trump behind the scenes were that he was livid. Aides had to convince him not to take to Twitter.

This wasn’t because of an aggressive act by Kim, but because it made him look bad.

His response on Saturday was worse.

“Anything in this very interesting world is possible, but I believe that Kim Jong Un fully realizes the great economic potential of North Korea, & will do nothing to interfere or end it. He also knows that I am with him & does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen!” Trump tweeted.

He’s a bloody tyrant, but you’re with him?

Also, nobody knows what promises were made. I’m going to assume none, because two summits – the first in Singapore and the second in Vietnam – resulted in only Trump’s praise and Kim’s continued non-compliance.

Trump gets credit for walking away from the table in Vietnam, but nothing he’s done since that time has resulted in any improvement. His continued rosy outlook towards relations with the hermit nation, even in the face of their defiance shows just how rooted in his fantasy narrative, with himself as the bold hero, he really is.

The thing about fantasies, you eventually have to come back to real life, and real life is rarely as pleasant.

Too bad we the people are stuck with the cost.


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