Georgetown University Professor Booted From Twitter for Insane Anti-Republican Rant

Georgetown University Professor Booted From Twitter for Insane Anti-Republican Rant October 3, 2018

Recently, I logged on to my Twitter account and was greeted with a screenshot of what can only be categorized as insane, unhinged, inhuman leftist rage.

It was pointless, baseless, partisan ugly, and there’s no amount of finessing that can excuse it away.

What’s even worse, this raw sewage of verbiage bubbled up from the bowels of academia.

Was that redundant?

The offensive tweet was sent out over the weekend, and its author was Georgetown University Distinguished Associate Professor Christine Fair.

Professor Fair took to her Twitter account to comment on the events of the Brett Kavanaugh – Christine Blasey Ford testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

So what did she say?

 “Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” Fair tweeted on September 27, referencing a video of “Lindsey Graham’s tirade” during Thursday’s hearing with Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

“All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes,” Fair concluded the tweet.

Ok. To be clear, there is not one scintilla of evidence to suggest Kavanaugh has raped anyone, much less raped enough times to be considered a “serial rapists.”

And no, bleeding hearts and partisans, mere accusations – especially unsubstantiated ones – do not count as evidence in the world of the sane and/or just.

As a matter of fact, the more “victims” of Kavanaugh that slither out of the woodwork, the less credible their claims become.

I’m only half-kidding when I say that if a woman were to emerge today and say Kavanaugh raped her when she was a 3 year old, after a drunken party on Mars, the leftwing partisans and anti-Trump voices that only object to Kavanaugh because Trump nominated him will argue that the claim HAS to be credible, and the woman making the claim deserves to be heard.

I’m only half-kidding – and I’m disgusted that people are forcing me to take a stance that seems to put me on Trump’s side.

Professor Fair’s rant, however, was beyond the pale.

It’s typical of the nasty, feminist rage that looks for a target to light upon, regardless of facts or justice.

The Kavanaugh case is an emotionally charged issue. It is also a result of leftists harnessing a noble movement, #MeToo, to suit their own corrupt ends.

They couldn’t care less how this may harm or discredit actual victims of sexual assault or mistreatment. It serves their partisan bent today, and that’s all that matters.

Actual sexual assault victims should be enraged, but not at Republicans or Brett Kavanaugh.

Meanwhile, Twitter removed Professor Fair’s certification, then suspended her account.

After the initial suspension, she was apparently reinstated, with Twitter saying it was an error.

To prove that her ugliness wasn’t a moment of emotional upset, she began again. This time, she chose to blame Fox News for her suspension, and attempted to justify her violent speech.

“Fox News Failed to silence me.  Thank you all for sending @Twitter messages of support. I do NOT and NEVER have condoned violence. My tweet, as I have explained, was an attempt to make YOU as UNCOMFORTABLE as I am using the language of the abuse I receive[d] by the hundreds,” Fair tweeted on Tuesday afternoon.

When you receive abuse like that on social media, you report it. Anyone attacking you in that manner doesn’t belong on social media. They belong in therapy.

That being said, you DID condone and suggest violence, and not against the ones threatening you, but completely different men, simply because of their politics.

“And let’s be very clear: Fox News says it cares about ‘campus safety’ while DELIBERATELY stoking angry herds to threaten the very safety of the same. Fox News and its minions is a mouthpiece of this anti-woman, racist, xphobic, bigoted regime,” Fair added.

I have my problems with the Trump administration. I’ve voiced that in many forums and on many occasions. No one even remotely familiar with my body of work is going to accuse me of supporting Donald Trump.

That being said, Professor Fair is a true pig of a woman, and nothing she said is justifiable.


Twitter once again suspended her account, and thus far, it appears they’re sticking with it.

Oddly enough, we’re supposed to believe Fair is stable enough to be teaching at a major university.

She runs a blog called “Tenacious Hellp***y,” and bills the blog as, “A NASTY WOMAN POSTING FROM THE FRONTLINES OF F***ERY.”

Yes. You’re a nasty woman.

No. That’s nothing to brag about.

A female writer for Campus Reform attempted to reach out to Fair and was compared to “Aunt Lydia,” a character from “The Handmaid’s Tale” who acts as an aid for the men who are oppressing the women.

“And you, Aunt Lydia, are a potential victim of this war as well even though you shill for those persons and institutions who sustain it and seek to perpetuate it,” Fair said in the post. “Do you think your potential assailant will care that you enable the patriarchal structures that devalue our lives and the work we do and construct legal structures that privilege the attacker? Do you think complicit women and lousy men will be less likely to slut shame you because you are one of their paid-keyboards? No, Aunt Lydia.”

Yeah. Somebody needs to up their prescription meds. She’s not coping with real life, well.

Fair went on to claim she was being “bullied” by female writers asking her to explain her caustic comments.

“You know what you’ll never see? A room full of man-hating female (cis or trans) legislators sitting around a table discussing coverage for your Viagra, your Cialis, your prostate preventative care, your prostate cancer, your gynecomastia (moobs if you will) if it becomes cancerous, etc.” she wrote in response to a request for comment from Campus Reform.

While Fair wasn’t willing to comment on her attitude for Campus Reform, senior Georgetown student, Amelia Irvine did.

“It’s laughable that Twitter recognizes that Christine Fair’s comments were outside the bounds of civil discourse, while Georgetown University refuses to do so,” Irvine said. “Why won’t Georgetown clearly tell professors and students that calling for violence against others is unacceptable?”

She’s not wrong.

Twitter has notoriously shown reluctance to censor liberal insanity. That’s how bad Fair is.

Georgetown did respond with a statement of their own.

“Georgetown urges members of our community to engage in robust, but respectful dialogue,” a Georgetown spokesman told Campus Reform.  “While we protect speech and expression, we condemn uncivil and disrespectful discourse that is inconsistent with our values.”

“The views of faculty members expressed in their private capacities are their own and not the views of the University. Our policy does not prohibit speech based on the person presenting ideas or the content of those ideas, even when those ideas may be difficult, controversial or objectionable. While faculty members may exercise freedom of speech, we expect their classrooms and interaction with students to be free of bias and geared toward thoughtful, respectful dialogue.”

So here’s a question.

How can someone who immerses herself in pure, feminist crazy remain free of bias in a classroom that may have male students?

I don’t expect any rational answers.

This is just the world we’re in, now, and it’s depressing.


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