Ghost Brother Angel: A Spiritual Memoir on Facing our Fears

Ghost Brother Angel: A Spiritual Memoir on Facing our Fears October 1, 2012

In perfect time for the Halloween season, I had the pleasure of talking to author Grant Schnarr about his latest spiritual memoir and true-life ghost story, Ghost Brother Angel. The adventure story is indeed about a ghost, a brother, and an angel, and is a gripping page-turner beginning with Schnarr’s childhood memories of the agitated ghost in his house. Laced with spiritual insights on facing our fears, gleaned largely from Schnarr’s Swedenborgian tradition (he is a Swedenborgian minister), the book invites us to consider what our ghosts (and angels) might have to teach us in the here and now.

You can read an excerpt, and more about the book, at the Patheos Book Club here, but here is a clip of Grant talking about his book, and what inspired him to share his story so many years later.

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