Forever Family

Forever Family March 4, 2009

We’ve been waiting for the day when our niece and nephew (and cousins!) Jeremy and Marissa’s adoption would become finally, finally final, and today is the day!  We already know that a family can come to be in many different ways; thanks be to God for the grace-filled intersections of our lives. 

We love you Anna, Mark, Marissa and Jeremy.

Anna Butler Lane, Jeremy Lane, Marissa Lane, Mark Lane (l to r)
Anna Butler Lane, Jeremy Lane, Marissa Lane, Mark Lane (l to r)
The Lanes, formerly two, now four . . . and flanked by grandparents!
The Lanes, formerly two, now four . . . and flanked by grandparents!
Super-stellar adoption social worker Elisabeth with Marissa and Jeremy
Super-stellar adoption social worker Elisabeth with Marissa and Jeremy

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