About Amy

Rev. Dr. Amy Butler is the Senior Minister of The Riverside Church in New York City. Prior to this call, Pastor Amy served as Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Pastor Amy holds degrees from Baylor University (BA ‘91, MA ‘96); The International Baptist Theological Seminary (BDiv ‘95); and Wesley Theological Seminary (DMin ‘09). 

11114087_10153209655616798_5656692625222683795_oBefore Calvary, Amy worked with the homeless community in New Orleans and served as Associate Pastor at St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans. Pastor Amy holds the deep conviction that the institutional church can be part of bringing in the Kingdom of God here and now, and she feels extraordinarily fortunate to walk the journey of faith with Christ-followers who feel the same.

In her free time she loves to travel, read, garden, and write. In addition to following sermons and essays here at Talk With the Preacher, you can also read her columns every two weeks on the Associated Baptist Press.

Amy lives in Manhattan and, obviously, her kids are much cooler than she is.


Pastor Amy wonders aloud all the time about: faith, church, living in community, the deep meaning of life, and, everything else, too.  This blog is the site of quite a bit of that wondering.  Thanks for joining the conversation.