Peace on Earth: Maria Montessori, the Wise Men, and King Herod

Peace on Earth: Maria Montessori, the Wise Men, and King Herod December 26, 2015

Copyright: losw / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: losw / 123RF Stock Photo

How can we develop more peaceful communities?

In the video below, I explain how Maria Montessori and the Biblical story offer practical ways for peace. The story of the Magi contrasts their desire to pay homage to the baby Jesus with King Herod’s fear of the baby Jesus. You don’t have to invoke God or theology to understand this story. The contrasts provides an example of two different ways to respond to Jesus and others in our lives: either as a threat resulting in rivalry and fear (King Herod) or a a spirit of welcoming that which is new and greater than themselves (the Magi).

Consumed with rivalry and fear, Herod kills all boys under two years old. As an anthropologist, Maria Montessori would have interpreted this story as a warning about fear, envy, rivalry and holding onto power so tightly that one would kill innocent children. She say the alternative path provided by the Magi – not to fear our “rivals” but to pay them homage and celebrate what others are bringing into the world.

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