Power Sigil, #WeAreAradia, & Mother Matrix Designs – Pantheacon Pre-order!

Power Sigil, #WeAreAradia, & Mother Matrix Designs – Pantheacon Pre-order! January 12, 2018

banner-aradiasigilHi folks!  Last year I offered pre-orders for shirts featuring the Power Sigil and #WeAreAradia designs.  I really didn’t promote it here on my blog, and afterwards a lot of people thought I should have.  So I’m giving you a head’s up here to get yours now!  (And for anyone feeling snitty about me promoting my art, the browser exit is in the top right corner. Ciao!)


Mother Matrix design
Mother Matrix design

There are 3 designs total (the two aforementioned + the ever popular “Mother Matrix” design), and they’re available in 3 kinds of shirts: regular tee’s, flowy tanks, and slouchy tee’s.  There is sizing information on the webpage for the fit for the latter two.

I tried to streamline the process this year, because a lot of people last year wanted their orders shipped, but didn’t include the shipping option, which got really messy.  So this time, I organized the buttons by shirt style, and if you select the “US MAIL” option, your items will be mailed to you when I get back from Convocation (around February 27th).
To order, go to the style heading (t-shirt, tank, slouchy), select whether you are picking up your order at Pantheacon – or if I am mailing it to you (shipping is for domestic pricing only).  Then select the design you want, and lastly, don’t forget to pick the size you need.   Buttons shut down 9am Pacific time on Tuesday, January 16th.

Want one? Go here! http://www.magodjinn.com/preorder.html

Please note, I am ONLY doing pick-up at Pantheacon – from my booth at the event, Friday-Sunday during vending hours.  While I will be at Convocation the following weekend, I am not vending, so that makes scheduling pick-ups very difficult. Now if YOU happen to be a vendor who will be stationary for that event, I could make an exception. Or you plan on bribing me with a drink at the bar at a specific time, I may consider it.  Contact me, I’ll entertain offers. 

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