Family overtakes the blog

Family overtakes the blog August 22, 2005

Light blogging for today and perhaps for the week. Quite aside from my own health situation, my FIL suffered a mild stroke over the weekend. MRI is going on as I write…we’ll know more later, but it’s unlikely that I’ll be doing much writing.

A few things I read that were pretty good and you might enjoy:

Cathy Seipp at NRO

This screenwriter, a Hollywood Republican, essentially commits career suicide in this piece.

Melanie Morgan spent time with the troops and writes of them. I know Joe Klein wrote in TIME this week that the war “doesn’t feel like a war” to him. Perhaps he should follow Morgan’s example.

Malkin and Maloney spell out the Air America story in the NY Post.

People talking all over the blogs about the coming Democrat split. But CQ has the best and most succinct post. He’s also keeping everyone up to date on Able Danger.

Hamas says: On to Jerusalem.

Dr. Sanity. Just keep scrolling.

John at Right Wing News Interviews Gingrich.

A smart piece that points out: Ask a thirty-five year old infertile woman whether she has “the ability to control her reproductive life,” and she may just smack you.

this is not good news for the Dems.

More later. If you could whisper up a prayer for my dear in-laws, I would be most appreciative.

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