I have a HOME button!

I have a HOME button! September 7, 2006

From time to time the amazing and very kind Kim of Musing Minds peers in at my site and then tsks and shakes her head in pity and writes, “honey…let me help you update. Do you know about things like inline trackbacks, inline comments? Would you like a “print this post” button?

And I always email back: “I don’t know what you mean. What are these things you’re talking about? This sounds like scary technology that makes me want to hide! Use baby words.

Then Kim patiently writes back in baby words and directs me to various blogs which feature these things, and I look at them and say, “ooooooohhh preeettttyyyy…” and write “how can I have those?”

Then Kim installs them for me. I suspect she sits at her desk and giggles, thinking, “this poor demented woman, she really has no clue about computers beyond ‘I hit the keys on the keyboards and they make words on the screen…'”

Which is about right. That is all I know. Without my husband, my sons, one of my son’s friends and Kim…well…I’d be knitting a lot more.

But now, if you look at the sidebar, just above the Pajamas Media button you’ll see a big fat hobbity-looking HOME button you can push, when you want to bounce around the site. And there are inline comments and…and…there is a “print this post” button. I’m thrilled! I’m useless with this machine, but I’m thrilled that others, like Kim, are so gifted! Hope you like, and a million thanks to Kim!

Related: A Picture in the Address Header!

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