Anchoress as Blog of the Week?

Anchoress as Blog of the Week? September 14, 2006

The fellas at Powerline Blog have graciously, unexpectedly and rather puzzlingly named this site as Powerline’s Blog of the Week, an honor which carries with it links at the newsite, mega-sitemeter-hits and all the attendant joys, lunacies and sorrows one would expect from increased exposure. Powerline is, of course, one of the big-kahunas of the blogosphere, and I a mere blip on screen (and rather content to be so), so it’s a very big deal for a little blog! Thanks, guys, I’m flattered. I’ll try to write real good, so as to not embarrass you on your selection!

As I’ve already received my first email thanking me for no longer calling myself a “liberal” and thus fouling up their tolerant, compassionate and temperate waters, let me repeat what my understanding of liberalism is and always has been:

This is an example of liberalism as I was raised to understand it; you form an opinion but don’t completely shut your mind. You show respect for the a person, and you don’t let a difference of opinion – even a vehement one – get in the way of your own humanity or anyone else’s.

Heh. Clearly the concept has evolved. Or devolved.

Slightly o/t – but while I’m basking in all this flattery before I go wade through today’s hate mail – a few weeks ago I mentioned being invited by the Baltimore Sun to take part in a podcast project featuring blogs and bloggers. I wasn’t interested in participating (I do, however, sit for an interview here) but am happy to link to their first such published interview, and I understand there will be some prominent bloggers interviewed in the coming weeks, which is good for blogging.

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