A case of the “look-arounds”

A case of the “look-arounds” December 28, 2006

Looking around the ‘sphere –

The author of Sigmund, Carl and Alfred has written the sort of valentine to his daughter that describe the beauty of a healthy father/daughter relationship. It’s gorgeous – something for his daughter to treasure, and for daughters all over to read. If you were lucky enough to be part of such a relationship, this will warm you. If you were not so lucky…you may find it reassuring and hopeful. I know I did. It’s a must-read.

A good piece by Jonah Goldberg on the irony of the certainty of uncertainess.

We’re not rid of nazis and neo-neocon gives a good analysis of what nazism meant and means in this multi-parter.

The question of whether blogs can offset MSM narratives is examined in this thoughtful piece by Wretchard.

Global Warming is Unstoppableevery 1500 years?

This athlete puts military service before a career in football. Very admirable.

I haven’t been reading much about the death of Gerald Ford, but other bloggers are looking at his pardon of Nixon and what it meant for presidents who followed. Harry Reid, in a classless move that doesn’t portend much good for his leadership position, is too busy to go to the former president’s funeral.

I wrote earlier that Sen. Barack Obama may offer some Democrat voters a way out of HillaryLand, but he’s got to get better known and vet his staff.

Meanwhile, here’s a reminder of what HillaryLand sounds like. Man, she’s tough on the ears. If George H. W. Bush reminded too many women “of their first husbands” I wonder if Hillary will remind too many men of their first wives.

Remind me again, how many times Arafat visited the Clinton White House? I know he didn’t get into the Bush 43 WH. And Rudy didn’t let him into NYC, either.

Speaking of Bush 43, Ed Koch says he is a hero.

Nancy French on Blue State Blunders.
I usually wouldn’t link to something like this, but we’re about to embark on two years or more of incessant praise of the blues, in the press, so I figured, a last bit of snark.

Kind of Fun: 50 things we didn’t know this time last year.

Just an astonishing live performance by the astonishing Jennifer Holliday. With everyone talking about Jennifer Hudson in Dreamgirls…we could use this reminder of what Holliday brought to the same role – and she did it live, 8 times a week.

I’m going to be blogging very little for the next few days, as I work on finishing up a project – I’m aiming for it to be done-diddley-done by January 2. In the meantime, here are links to some little-seen Anchoress posts from 2006 you might have missed.

Reacting to the death of one great leftist woman while another goes off the rails: Oriana and Rosie two women of the left.

My optimism has lessened somewhat. Helen Reddy is partly to blame. But demographics may doom us all, anyway.

On the mania for the murder
of a pope or a president.

If you’re kidnapped and you “convert” what does it mean? Faith and Reason and Forced Conversions.

And what does it mean when you willingly die for another, while insanity and duplicity swirl all around?

A reminder to Elizabeth Edwards and Hillary Clinton:
There is an art to good politics

What happens when we pull out of Iraq and other questions no one ever asks the press, and why the effectiveness of alternative media is still modest, in the end.

What is American Culture
, anyway?

The Timestanic and one of its crewmembers; a sorry, soggy tale.

Will things get better if we just feed the Jews to Iran and its friends? Some seem to think so. And they’re not big on tolerating dissent.

Sometimes we hate our lives, but mostly things are good My Li’l Bro Thom’s Psalm of the Common Man.

Wherein I submit to a journalistic grilling, decide to mother someone, and later relate something personal.

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