I wish I had Glenn’s economy of words

I wish I had Glenn’s economy of words August 21, 2007

Really, this is a great bumpersticker.

Concise. I have to work on Concise. I actually expressed a similar sentiment a long time ago, when I wrote:

…if the big boys of Global Warming aren’t really taking the issue seriously…if they find it so unserious as to allow the issue to be used as a political wedge or a rabble-rousing sound-bite, and that’s all…well, then I don’t have to take it seriously, either.

The Global Warming Hysteria Movement, complete with Media overhype, is not real. The proof is in the politics of it. It is a means to an end. To what end, I’m not sure.

I’m going to try to blog better. Just as soon as I am able to really get down to work. Feeling much better, although we had to change from the Cipro, which was giving me the heeby-jeebies and making me feel like I’d had ten shots of espresso, which is never good for those around me.

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