Scanning the ‘sphere –

Scanning the ‘sphere – October 3, 2007

A real quick round-up as I am doing the paying work today, and will later this evening be updating the bookshelf:

Btw, the Steel Cut Oatmeal is unbelievably addictive and good.

We’re winning in Iraq, finally, because the Iraqis want us to. Perhaps they are finally shaking off the effects of 40 years of tyranny. This is good.

Quick question:
Is this really how politics were played years ago, to overwhelmingly pass a war-funding bill – one with an attached “hate-crime” item to it that can cause trouble for the churches – and put the president in the position of vetoing his own war spending plus being able to call him a gay hater? Seems kind of underhanded to me. It seems like a manipulation of government for political expediency…and a terrific waste of time and taxpayer money.

Speaking of vetoes, Ed Morrissey talks about Bush’s 4th Veto:

Let’s underscore that last sentence. Bush doesn’t want to end S-CHIP, nor does he want to freeze its funding level. He wanted to increase funding to the program, but Democrats wanted to increase it seven times more than Bush’s proposal — and they wanted to slap a highly regressive tax onto the public to fund it. In effect, the Democrats wanted to take money from the poor to subsidize health insurance for middle-class children.

Thousands of monks have been slain and the situation in Burma looks very dire. Shouldn’t Americans being condemning this? Where’s the UN?

Jules Crittenden notes that Harry Reid is not alone in his appreciation of the good our troops are doing in Iraq. Or, I think that’s what Obama is saying….

Well, if this is true it explains why Mrs. Clinton addressed Gen. Petraeus as she did.

Kobayashi Maru wonders
if there is a vast left wing conspiracy trying to shut down alternative media. I’d say jury’s out…but who knows? Another question is are ordinary citizens and satirists about to be shut down by a “liberal” group that doesn’t like dissent?

Speaking of shutting down dissent, Evan Coyne Maloney makes the rounds to promote Indoctrinate U.

Betsy gives us a perfect example of government inefficiency. Perhaps we shouldn’t let the government run too much…meanwhile Tom Elia finds more wasteful government spending.

AJ Strata notes some evidence that the GOP really hurt itself when it went hardline on illegal immigration. He asks, who tanked the GOP? He also has two links up concerning Syria and Al Qaeda that are very eyebrow-raising.

Ever heard of the Widow Penalty? Me neither, but Florida Masochist has been following some stories about this quirky law which can deport immigrants who are in process of naturalization, should they become widowed. Interesting.

An open letter to Clarence Thomas.

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