Clinton's smug mug & other superior beings

Clinton's smug mug & other superior beings April 12, 2008

Is it just me or is Bill Clinton looking increasingly like the the smug bastard son of Boris Yeltsin?

Except – I can’t remember – did Yeltsin ever treat both the press and the populace which such arrogant disdain? He may have. But then again, Yeltsin was a communist with Pravda behind him; he didn’t have to tell the truth or pretend to respect the intellects of his countrymen.

I should just perhaps be glad that the Clinton’s breathtaking disingenuity is finally becoming plain for others to see.

Speaking of disdain for the intellects of his country men, Obama has just blown new life into Hillary’s campaign by dissing Pennsylvania’s blue-collar middle class. Speaking to a group of mega-rich donors – you know, the sort who are “bouncing on fluffy pillows of honest-to-goodness wealth while shaking a rhetorical finger at us for daring to try to get comfortable on our foam rubber mats of hard-earned wages” – the rookie Obama “transcended racial bigotry” by indulging in the feel-good bigotry of “moral, economic and educational superiority” which seems to run rampant in some leftist quarters these days. Not that you read much about it.

Now, of course, they will tell us hapless rubes – if we can be persuaded to look up from quoting our bitter bibles and polishing our resentful gun racks – that what we heard ain’t what we heard at all. Instapundit is giving major linkage to the story here, here and here.

Two great candidates the Democrats have brought us this year, aren’t they? Don’t y’all forgit to vote fer your’n betters, now! They’ll learn ya an’ tell ya anythin’ you wants ta hear, an’ they’ll laff n laff if’n it gets too serious, an’ they’ll take care all yer needs, too! so you don’t never have to be lovin’ that old time religion anymores, cuz yer govimint will be yer god, and y’all will be her people.

And finally – why does Al Gore hate the press so much, when they so obediently do his bidding? Whoops.

Related: Civic Immaturity is the new sophistication

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