Quick Links, once around

Quick Links, once around July 31, 2008

Continuing the mental health day – some links you might like, a little off the beaten trail – and little commentary:

“Being hated is like voodoo, it only works if you feel hated.”

The Pelosi, unwilling to allow a vote she cannot control, defines the term “petty tyrant,” and demonstrates again that she’d rather adjourn than serve, that her congress is content to do nothing, , at all, rather than work out solutions.

Can UK survive multiculturalism? Good question, good piece. I think you can survive it as long as multiculturalism celebrates the totality of the mosaic, rather than each individual tile. But no one listens to me…

Ace reporter John Allen looks at The Pope and the Pill 40 years after Paul VI’s prophetic encyclical, Humanae Vitae

Steve Schippert finds the Administration leaking information about Iraq. Good thing the press ignores it!

A new translation of the mass has been approved; it’s really more of a return to the more accurate translation of the Latin which we learned right after the Second Vatican Council. Interestingly, I started using the old/now new “Lord I am not worthy” a few years ago – quite spontaneously – as it leaked out of the recesses of my memory, and just went with it. These changes will not be difficult to get used to and will be more precise and focused responses.

Glenn Reynolds watches Barack Obama play his cards. Is Obama a megalomaniac? Does he play his Ace from the bottom of the deck? As Jake Tapper notes – there is name-calling going on, but it ain’t via the McCain camp.

How Green is my politics? That depends.

Hip-Hop Eucharist: Because why appreciate what is timeless when you can stay in the fashion?

Tom Elia looks at the unspoken second line about big oil reports. Interesting.

At 3AM we all look better than we should.

My tires are inflated just fine, thanks. Maybe less hot air would help in the battle about “climate change.”

Vacation must come soon!

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