Vespers for Dec 15, no talk (iTunes UPDATE)

Vespers for Dec 15, no talk (iTunes UPDATE) December 15, 2008

Kind of downer Vespers for today. Not the readings and psalms, they’re fine, but I’m not quiet “with it” in this podcast, sorry. No talk, and I even screw up and forget the final blessing, “may the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil, and bring us to eternal life.”

Vespers for December 15.

Sorry. I’ll try to do better tomorrow, and the beautiful O Antiphons begin on Wednesday the 17th, so…hang in there. Those are worth tuning in for.

If anyone is downloading this via iTunes (I see almost 10% of the downloads are via that avenue) can you tell me how you find me, there? I mean, how do you “find” the podcast. Someone is looking for it and asking, and since I do believe I am the last person in the world who doesn’t have an iPod (and not looking to own one) I have no idea what to tell that person!

UPDATE: Got this reply from reader Dale:

I too do not have an iPod, but I do have iTunes on my Mac. I had been just clickiing on the podcast links and letting QuickTime pick them up. But tonight, I used iTunes to see if I could answer your question on how to do this.

It turned out to be very easy. In iTunes there is an Advanced Menu. The first item is “Open Audio Stream…” I selected that and copied the link for your podcast and pasted it into the dialog where it was asking for the URL. Hit RETURN and there’s your voice as always.

I am of course speaking relative to iTunes on a Mac, but I do expect that iTunes on a PC would have the same manu structure … and iTunes is Apple’s tool for loading music and audio clips into an iPod. Not having one, I can’t offer the directions for that.

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