Aboard Air Force One & More – UPDATED

Aboard Air Force One & More – UPDATED January 25, 2009

Sorry so quiet – big family birthday shindig yesterday and today I am working on a project for Lent.

8 PM Tonight, National Geographic Channel: On Board Air Force One:

Journey inside the most secure aircraft in the world, Air Force One, as it carries the President through the confusion and terror of 9/11, a secret mission into Baghdad and a whirlwind diplomatic mission through the Middle East. With unprecedented access, National Geographic introduces you to the presidential pilot and the crew charged with operating this global command center in the sky.

Sounds like a don’t-miss!

“This administration will not torture”: Unless we feel it’s prudent to. Any criticism from the left? :::I hear chirping:::

“If innocent civilians are killed in war, you’re a war criminal and a terrorist”: Except when you’re not named Bush. :::chirp:::

This administration will close Gitmo: Just as soon as we’ve found appropriate terrorist cells to which the prisoners may be transferred. :::chirp:::

“This administration will ban lobbyists”: Except when we don’t. Oh, wait, you thought he was serious about that? :::chirp:::

“We are post-partisan and I will listen to everyone:” Except we’re not really and um…forget that. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” :::chirp:::

“It is arrogant, divisive, rude, hubristic and IMPERIAL to suggest that as President you are the “decider”: Until a Democrat says “I won; I will trump you.” At that point, it’s self-assured, direct and reassuringly authoritative. :::chirp:::

“Too much power consolidated in the White House is a very bad thing:” Except when it’s not. Hello? :::chirpchirpchirp:::

A sycophant: That wouldn’t be Drew who can only watch in drop-jawed astonishment. It’s a fast-spreading virus.

The quagmire of war: Lowering expectations until he can be called the Great Liberator of People, as George W. Bush has been soundly called. Oh, wait…

“This administration” will not use these words?: Democracy” or “democratic” or umm…“life”…or “pay…taxes…”. Whoops, I’m sure that last bit about the taxes is wrong. We’ll pay them. Others may not have to, but you and I will pay them. Yes, indeed. And we’ll do it with a smile, or be called selfish and un-American.

Iran: Lookin’ for the uranium. They’re really annoyed that Al Qaeda might beat them to it. Don’t they all know the war on terror is over? Everyone needs to settle down, now, and just share a coke.

Plausible deniability: We haz it

Dissent = Treason?: No, wait, dissent is still the very highest, ultimate form of patriotism. No, really. It is. And asking questions is good. Except when it’s not. Then it’s “obstruction.” It’s complicated. Back when Bush was president, it was okay (and good, and healthy for democracy) if you said the president was a terrorist, and a nazi-fascist, who should be assassinated. Now, if you just hope the president fails at promoting socialist policies, well…that’s arguably treasonous, baby, “arguably treasonous.” Got that? Wanna fantasize about assasination, actively work to expose sensitive policies in wartime and incessantly talk down the economy for one president? That’s alllllll good! Hope the other one fails? Treason. Evil treeeaasson!

Ed Morrissey calls this Obama’s folly:

It demonstrates that Obama still has no sense of his office, nor of “post-partisanship”…George Bush never attacked Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, or other voices of the rabid Left by name. If he ever went on the attack against the left-wing media, he kept the attack general and broad, rather than specific. Bush may not have been the most media-savvy of our modern presidents — in fact, he may have been the worst at it since Nixon — but he knew enough about his office to understand that part of its strength would keep him somewhat above the partisan-pundit fray. Obama hasn’t figured that much out yet.

But…but…Bush was a naaazi! A faaaaascist!

The Scariest Chart ever?: Well, One of them

A nation of Drama Queens?: Even the news is starting to feel like a stupid reality show. You wanted it, you got it.

Celebrate diversity:
But not of thought. Not…of thought.

Imperialism is terrible
: Unless it’s not. Not that I accept for a moment the argument that America is an imperialist nation. History shows exactly the opposite. Especially recent history.

Billionaire Boys Club: Those damn rich republicans are at it again.

Climate Change/Carbon Credits a gigantic scam?: Well, of course.

Something Right and Left really should be able to get together on: Fighting for Free Speech.

Opposing: well, really, someone should.

Ars gratia artis: Fausta’s got it

Our girls at Summit, NJ: Time Magazine has them. No pics of them making the soap, though.

Taking on Dowd’s droning: Someone still thinks it’s worth the time to bother. Not me, anymore.

“I love Jesus but I drink a little”:
just to thin the blood. 88 years old? Bless her!

Had enough? Refresh here.


Let’s put a lot of people out of work
(which will lower our tax revenues): and oh, yeah, let’s make us less safe while we’re at it. Jimmy Carter couldn’t do better, himself!

Do Penance for Obama!: Frank Rich is feeling scolded by Obama and penitential. And while happily over-looking the $145 Million dollar inaugural-indulgence for Obama, he he wants you to join him in the breast-beating (for the sin of going shopping after 9/11) and contrition as we wait for the collection basket and the “mandatory volunteerism” that will cleanse our souls. Markets are vile, but Obama is good. Be afraid. The most unbearable people in the world are ex-smokers on a kick to cleanse the world of ashtrays. The second most unbearable are religious converts who don’t know how to stop proselytizing. Their are called Obamists and they are legion.

“It’s okay to love again…”: That would be because Obama talks to the soul. So in love… But it’s still okay to maintain your hate for Bush, too. The best way to “love” everyone is to hate Emmanuel Goldstein George W. Bush. Who um, only kept everyone so safe that no one in the Inaugural crowd was worried about being blown up by terrorists, as they boo’ed him.

One president at a time: Obama was right about that. Now…can we talk about “one god at a time…”?

It’s okay: Only massive government will save us. Give Washington all your power, and you’ll be free. And safe. Oh, yes, indeed. The press is doing it’s job. Yessir.

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