Yeah…blogging will be lighter…

Yeah…blogging will be lighter… May 18, 2009

Apropos of the post below (!) I realize yeah, I am kind of tired. Yeah, I am a little fried.

And yeah, I have some stuff over here that needs doing, and a big party to plan (it seems I am forever planning parties for others, and that’s odd when one considers, as I admitted here, that my doormat says “go away”).

I also have an interview I want to prep for, and two story ideas I’ve been allowing to go to seed instead of nurturing, because the blog does eat a lot of time.

The blog re-design, which is running behind schedule but still due this week, gives me a good excuse to blog a little less and work on these other things a little more.

And maybe take a little rest, so that perhaps by the time the re-do is done, I’m feeling a bit more on the ball.

And I still need an Oratory. Boy, I really crave one.

Meanwhile, I recently purchased a gorgeous Icon, very reasonably priced here. Check them out. Beautifully done icons that actually have a bit of a gleam.

And, as ever, if you think this page is stuck, do a hard reload (shift and refresh together).

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