Prayers, Please

Prayers, Please June 16, 2009

For those of you inclined to pray, if you missed the message, little Tommy did pass away, after a great deal of trial and suffering. Please pray for his family.

Also, please continue to pray for Liz, who is 29, and dealing with an inoperable brain tumor.

And for Sarah, who has brain cancer (why so much of this, suddenly, is it cell phones?) and was told by her doctor, “There are three types of healing, medical healing, miracle healing, and the healing of death.”

I know I have said it before, but I do believe it’s true. When you have a lot going on in your own life, that’s the best time to pray for others; it shifts perspective, brings wisdom, settles the heart and is an act of generosity of spirit which the Lord will never allow to go unblessed. He is never outdone in generosity.

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