Pelosi Doesn't Know from St. Joseph

Pelosi Doesn't Know from St. Joseph March 19, 2010

I’m sorry. Almost nothing that has come from this woman’s mouth has infuriated me like this.

This woman is a profound grotesque who gets virtually everything wrong here, from what feastday it is, to the kinds of Catholic religious sisters supporting her monster’s bastard of a bill.

Note, because it is important in the face of her stupidity, her mendacity, her slander and her willingness to use any-and-all means to achieve her ends, the Catholic sisters who vehemently oppose this health care bill, and are not considered news-worthy by the media, or relevant by this glammed-up guttersnipe, Pelosi.

First off, Nancy, this is not the feastday of “St. Joseph the Worker.” That feast day is May 1, and it is a simple (and optional) memorial. TODAY is the Solemnity of St. Joseph, in his role as the Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Provider and Guardian for the Child Jesus. A solemnity is not an optional feastday, and Pelosi, who was educated by religious sisters and went to a Catholic college, should know that.

Her ignorance is almost sublime.
“Italian Americans” certainly do honor St. Joseph, but they do not “pray” to him. They ask him to pray for them, before the Throne of his most holy and almighty step-son, the Christ.

It is highly doubtful that St. Joseph, who was faced with an unimaginable event, one fraught with challenges, things unknown, social questions, difficulties and sacrifice, would be a happy endorser of a “life-affirming health care” bill that includes the federal-funding of abortions, sterilizations, contraception – undoubtedly, down the road- euthanasia.

In her upside-down world, Pelosi may think that this monstrosity she is laboring so mightily to deliver is “life-affirming;” that is because she is -like so many of her generation- unable to imagine life after her own. It takes a “my life right now is more important than any future life” mentality to be this committed to abortion, and to insuring that every means of preventing or ending life, at every stage, is introduced into the public mind as a Godly and enviable thing. It takes a mind that willfully misunderstand the nature of both light and life, as taught by the Church she professes to love, to stand there with a smug, “unicorns and rainbows” demeanor and spout these deceitful platitudes that are not grounded in any sort of reality.

I am disgusted to see this woman -in the same remarks where she sullies a Catholic saint and thumbs her nose at Catholic understanding, to then giddily talk about how she and her cohorts have deployed children “children as young as six, talking about what health care means to them” as propaganda shields.

This video makes me want to vomit. I try not to hate anyone, but this woman is tempting me mightily.

After all of that -and in a direct attempt to smackdown the Catholic bishops who rightly oppose this bill- the Pelosi ends with yet another slander of all Catholic religious woman, with the assistance (it must be admitted) of a few perpetually adolescent useful idiots who, as I said yesterday, “delight in poking into the eyes of authoritative teaching.” Not only does Pelosi exaggerate the number of religious women who support this bill, she frankly lies when she says that “just about every order you can think of” wants “to pass this life-affirming legislation.”

What an abominable woman; what a power-mad, ruthless, mendacious grotesque she is.

I have always argued against knee-jerk excommunications, and when Pelosi visited the Pope I suggested Catholics calm down and let the slow wheels turn, but this astonishing display has me almost choking with disgust and rage.

The Church scandalizes itself often; it is an imperfect institution where holiness and evil are activated against one another, and the battle is profound. Understanding that, one tends to the long view, and so when individual Catholics screw up and bring scandal, I am mindful of the fact that I too am a Catholic who -in my own way- can and do bring scandal to others. I understand that in my rage right now, I am probably “scandalizing” someone who thinks I should be “more tolerant of an opposing view” so I don’t particularly believe I am called to inventory the soul of another.

However, it is one thing for a Catholic to be publicly misguided, misinformed, socially maladjusted or even stupid. It’s quite another -and to my way of thinking, a genuinely evil thing- for Catholics to put on a cloak of moral authority by virtue of their church membership, and proceed to spin their deceitful webs while mindfully exploiting her greatest saints and teachings for the expressed (and unbelievably sleazy) promulgation of their legislative propaganda.

This goes beyond being a faulty human Catholic; it goes beyond being mistaken. It goes beyond “arguing in good faith.” What the Pelosi did today is a declaration that this woman is not averse to using methods of pure disorientation, to achieve her ends.

I am no authority. I cannot go so far as some in my email wish me to, and suggest that this is a woman who is actually manifesting diabolical disorientation in the world.

But right now, Nancy Pelosi has actually made me scream in horror, at her words. I know I should pray for her. I know I should. I know if I cannot, then my own soul is at risk.

I will pray for her. Maybe by nightfall I’ll be able to manage it. In the meantime, please pray for me, also, that I might settle down and embrace charity and open my heart to the Light of Christ. I don’t like feeling this way about anyone.

But first, I must scream a little more, and swallow back the bile, at the absolute horror she is become, and that she spews from her mouth.

Archbishop Chaput:
The Captivity of Catholic Witness:

. . . supporters of health care reform at any cost, facts don’t seem to matter when a coveted goal seems within reach. The American bishops have repeatedly shown their support for good healthcare reform. They’ve worked tirelessly and honestly for more than seven months to help craft acceptable legislation. But they’ve also shown—and posted readily on the web—how and why the current Senate version of reform fails in at least three vital areas: abortion and its public funding; conscience protections for medical professionals and institutions; and the inclusion of immigrants. Congressional leaders have no one to blame but themselves for the opposition they’ve had to face. . . . If the defective Senate version of health-care reform pushed by congressional leaders passes into law—against the will of the American people and burdened by serious moral problems in its content—we’ll have “Catholic” voices partly to thank for it. And to hold responsible.

Ed Morrissey has more thoughts

Gateway Pundit calls her a “she-devil”. I’m thinking sad she-clown/useful idiot.

I’m going to go around and check out other reactions, so check back for a round-up.

The US Council Conference* of Catholic Bishops Issues a Request of Catholics, on Health Care Reform

Meanwhile, an angry Steve Schippert writes in an email:

It is fine to be non-practicing. Not my place to criticize… Right up to the point you try and cloak yourself in my faith for the theater of it all.

Catholic Online: has more

Bookworm: If you’re having trouble keeping up with the news, she’s rounding up

See also: Obama and the Aging Population

“A Pyrrhic Victory
Happy Catholic
The Perseverance of Pelosi
The American Catholic
Catholic Vote Action
HillBuzz is praying for the nation
Melissa Clouthier
Cartago Delenda Est
“The Terms of the Deal”
“After this, the deluge”
Fakery and Thuggery and Fraud and Fecklessness
“We’re going to control the insurance companies”

*Corrected via this prompt. I’m always happy to be given a heads up when I’ve made a stupid mistake because I’ve written too fast, or in anger. Anger is always -after one has vented- a movie downloads rather stupid thing. And lots of people make odd mistakes. Thinking, for instance, that my anger in this piece is about Pelosi’s mistated feastday -as opposed to her using a great saint of the church as a political (and anti-life) prop- that’s kind of oddly thought out.

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