Y’all know me — I am a technophobe and always behind on the gadgetry trends; I still don’t have a smart phone and I only have an iPad because it was a gift. And now, the whole world seems to be abuzz (or, ablaze?) over the new Kindle Fire.
So, naturally, that means I am finally wondering whether it’s time for me to ask for a basic, no-frills Kindle or some sort of e-reader for Christmas?
Are they worth it? Can one get over reading actual books? I hate reading books on the iPad, but is the Kindle markedly better for it?
And why, especially, might I want an ebook, anyway? Well, as it turns out, Patheos is now publishing e-books!
Check out The Tebow Mystique: The Faith and Fans of Football’s Most Polarizing Player by Patton Dodd.
And for those less into football and more into anticipating Advent, see Mark D. Roberts’ Discovering Advent: How to Experience the Power of Waiting on God at Christmastime
They both look good, and it’s part of why I am thinking about going to an e-reader!
Btw, I did reopen comments, but — as happens every time I close them — they seem to be dodgey. Hopefully you will be able to comment!
LATEST UPDATE: Instapundit reviews the Kindle Fire and so does Popular Mechanics
Kate O’Hare has more thoughts on e-readers