Nun News for Autumn, 2013

Nun News for Autumn, 2013 October 1, 2013

The annual nun-news round-up happened, last year, on the Feastday of Saint Therese of Lisieux, and it seemed to me a perfect day to celebrate news of new or proceeding religious vocations, so I’ve decided to do it every October 1. As ever, please don’t ask me why I don’t include more unhabited communities; there are some here; I give the news I can find.

Let’s start with the monastics!

The big news from our friends the Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ, aside from their new line of soaps, is that Sister Joseph Maria of the Holy Family pronounced her solemn vows in the spring. You can see the slideshow here. Sister Mary Veronica and Sister Mary Jacinta also made their first vows. They needs some new postulants over there! I have a secret need to foster at least one vocation to Summit!

The Passionist Nuns of Whitesville, Kentucky ask for prayers as their new aspirant discerns her vocation, and they have a running series on discernment advice at their blog. They will be celebrating a final profession later this month.

The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Missouri have had a busy year, with one solemn profession past and another happening in January. They’ve also welcomed a new postulant and new novice.

The Cistercian Nuns of Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin are growing and planning out a monastery and celebrating Sister Bede’s solemn profession.

The Trappistines of Our Lady of the Mississippi (creators of the wonderful O Eve, Reconciled phenomenon) are gearing up for holiday candy season. They clothed a novice and had a first profession. “O Eve” is now available in a print or as cards.

Benedictines of Mary 2 first professions and a new postulant (pdf)

Norbertine Canonesses, you also know them as the Christmas Wreath Nuns. They’ve posted a very newsy pdf which is good because I can’t even begin to describe their growth! Check it out.

Abbey of Regina Laudis, aka Mother Dolores Hart’s gang, in Bethlehem, CT: lots of building and the clothing of a new novice, Sister Kateri Tekakwitha.

Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters, the women who kindly provide a beautiful livestream Adoration for us, have three new postulants.

A lot of communities are late posting and it looks like many of them have gone to the same web-designer to improve their presentation — which is a good thing — but their sites now need a more thorough going-over than I really have time to invest, at this moment, so I’ll touch some of the bigger bases and then give a list of other sites of interest.

Lots of news for the active sisters, as well:

Sisters of Life: First and Final professions and new novices

Even as you read this, the Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Los Angeles receiving a postulant and clothing a novice, in anticipation of first vows. Earlier this year another sister pronounced final vows, two more pronounced first vows, and I think four new novices came on board.

Little Sisters of the Poor, whose problems with the HHS Mandate I wrote of, last week, are happily growing.

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration: a banner year all around: postulants, first professions, novices and finals.

Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr Saint George. After 13 final professions last year, it was quieter over there, this year: just four new postulants and three new novices (!) and 3-4 first professions — I can’t even tell!

Sisters of Reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: two new postulants and a first profession

A Brand New Community: Daughters of Mary of Nazareth, founded in (“From Baghdad to Boston”) under Cardinal Sean O’Malley. Slideshow here of first novices.

Another new community: Children of Mary; very quickly increasing in number

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have two new novices and postulant

Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church: Two new postulants

Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa: also two new postulants

Byzantine Sisters:
Christ the Bridegroom: Three very busy women! They do videos and host retreats and what-all!

Maronite Servants of Christ the Light (pdf) has professed their first novice.

Interestingly, the Byzantine Carmelite community is apparently going Trappist(pdf)

Religious Sisters and Nuns Blogs Worth Following:
Daughters of Saint Paul
Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Wichita
Franciscan Sisters, TOR
Our Lady of the Angels Monastery
Our Lady of Solitude Monastery
St. Walburga Abbey
Nashville Dominicans
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Servants of God’s Love
Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church
Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma
Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate
Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist
Carmel of the Holy Name of Jesus
Franciscan Sisters of Peoria
School Sisters of Christ the King

The Imagine Sisters group has produced a film profiling young sisters from several different active orders.

Random news stories:
Oahu Mom now a professed Carmelite Nun
“Never enough time to worship God”

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