"Haiti is the broken bloody body of Christ" – UPDATED

"Haiti is the broken bloody body of Christ" – UPDATED January 14, 2010


Go here for my latest updates on Haiti

Updated from last night: The horror

Difficulty in Mobilizing. Yes, it’s difficult; many roadblocks.

The stunned peace begins to break down. Blogs for Victory notes:

Looks like Haiti will become a de-facto American protectorate over the next few days as Haiti’s government is essentially collapsed and non-functional. If we’re going to do it, might as well be in for a dime, in for a dollar…get a UN resolution putting Haiti into trusteeship under American protection. We’re going to end up spending billions, anyway, and we might as well do something permanently useful.

I agree, and as I suggested yesterday, Obama needs to put someone credible, and experienced in disaster relief, into a pro-tempore leadership position. I think Rudy Giuliani fits the bill; he knows how to build a team, he has experience with disaster management; he also has international credibility and all kinds of contacts in security/infrastructure/planning etc. Seems like a hand-to-glove fit, to me. Or, if not Giuliani, someone in the military -perhaps an Iraq vet- who has had experience with crisis and rebuilding, needs to go in there, and it needs to happen very quickly.

Kentucky Adoption Services urgently trying to save the lives of orphaned children.

Tunku Varadarajan: Haiti Is France’s Problem.

I have added this to my running Haiti post for the day (here and constantly updated) but this is so good, I need to give it a post of its own; Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, speaking powerfully and movingly about Haiti:

Watching this, I recalled what made JFK and RFK so fascinating. They could speak extemporaneously, with both facts and poetry at their fingertips. We don’t see that much, anymore.

Also, if you read nothing else, read one man’s harrowing, shattering experiences on what he calls “Earthquake Day.”

Donate to Catholic Relief Services here

OSV says CRS is getting about $200,000 an hour.

Read Richard Fernandez

And politics goes on

Chuck Simmins More relief info

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