September 13, 2006

The headline: Pope enjoys private time after slamming Islam H/T Amy. “Slamming?” What a provocative word. The WaPo, more accurately: Pope Invites Muslims to Dialogue. In a major lecture at Regensburg University, where he taught theology between 1969 to 1977, Benedict said Christianity was tightly linked to reason and contrasted this view with those who believe in spreading their faith by the sword. The 79-year-old Pontiff avoided making a direct criticism of Islam, packaging his comments in a highly complex... Read more

September 13, 2006

It occurs to me, upon reading this crap that certain folks on the left have been “joking” about the idea of killing George W. Bush since ‘way before he even was elected president in 2000 (and yes, he was elected…every recount proved it, get over it). Remember “Snipers wanted,” being flashed onto Bush’s picture on some late-night talk show? Was it Craig Kilborn? I can’t remember the host – he doesn’t matter, anyway – but I remember the event, and... Read more

September 12, 2006

After sacrificing not even a spare minute to thinking about Katie Couric’s sign-off (I almost wrote sigh-n-off, and I don’t even want to examine what the hell that would mean to Siggy), I have decided she’d do best sticking with something short and sweet, and which doesn’t lecture. She should make it a curt and vonnegutesque (pun intended) “And so it goes…I’m Katie Couric, goodnight.” UPDATE: I’ve been emailed by smart people that “And so it goes,” was (and perhaps... Read more

September 12, 2006

National Review’s Jim Geraghty is a writer with a deft touch; he has a way of keeping heavy subjects light, and often he will surprise a reader with a disarming quip or clever turn of phrase, where they least expect it. That deft touch is apparent, and appreciated, throughout his new book, Voting to Kill; How 9/11 Launched the Era of Republican Leadership, which takes a look at the US political landscape pre-and-post 9/11 and finds that the Democrats are... Read more

September 12, 2006

Went to adoration yesterday – not especially because of the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 – simply because that’s my habit of a Monday afternoon. As I had planned to, I prayed the Office for the Dead, in remembrance of…well, of so many. Of my brothers and brother-in-law, of the victims of 9/11, our lost soldiers, the civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan – the families of all the war-dead. “All things are alive in the sight of... Read more

September 12, 2006

Gerald, our multi-lingual smarty-pants friend, has translated Benedict XVI’s homily from last Sunday, and either he did a great job or the Holy Father did! :-) In any case, it’s well-worth the read. An excerpt: Now we have to turn to the Gospel which speaks of the healing of a deaf-mute by Jesus. Here we once again find two aspects of the same topic. Jesus turns to the suffering, to those who have been forced to the edge of society.... Read more

September 11, 2006

Very affecting and eye-opening about where we were and where we have come. I know there’s a ton of material out there today – you can’t keep up. But watch this. Listen to Stewart talk about the privilege of being at liberty to “sit in the back and throw spitballs…” Listen to him talk about why “I grieve, but I don’t despair…” as he struggles with his emotions. This is memorable and moving. And when he says, “the terrorists thrive... Read more

September 11, 2006

For folks on the left, Ace is one of the most hated conservative bloggers. And sometimes his comments threads can be funny but vulgar raunch-fests. Smart, but very, very vulgar. Tonight the folks leaving comments about The Path to 9/11 at Ace’s are impressive and insightful, and mostly really temperate…quite the opposite of what the some on the left might expect: But I think the main point they were trying to get across, was that the bad guys are the... Read more

September 10, 2006

My mailbox is overflowing (I can’t keep up) with people mailing things about 9/11, or about Iraq, Bill Clinton, WMD – and much of it is interesting, some of it is annoying. So, thanks to my readers, here is a round-up: Start with this must-see video – listen to what these people were saying in 2002, and 2003 about Iraq, Saddam and WMD and square it with what they say today. The left won’t like it, but they can’t say... Read more

September 10, 2006

This is, perhaps, exactly what some Americans will appreciate reading on the 5th anniversary of 9/11: The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, recently issued a decree to its supporters: Kill at least one American in the next two weeks “using a sniper rifle, explosive or whatever the battle may require.” Well, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, I am an American too. Count me as the one of those you have asked your supporters to kill. I am not alone,... Read more

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