September 10, 2006

Thanks to my reader, Mark, for the link to this moving poem, written and delivered by Cardinals Hall of Fame broadcaster Jack Buck, September 17, 2001: Since this nation was founded … under God More than 200 years ago We have been the bastion of freedom The light that keeps the free world aglow We do not covet the possessions of others We are blessed with the bounty we share. We have rushed to help other nations … anything …... Read more

September 10, 2006

A heartbreaking post from a young father who may soon be a single parent. The breast cancer has metastisized to her brain. There are tumors in her brain. Brain cancer. The neurologist contacted our cancer doctor, who was attending a cancer conference. He rescheduled the mastectomy to this Tuesday, with her checking-in to the hospital on Monday. […] The news is this. There are eleven tumors in her brain. If you were to divide her brain into quadrants, then at... Read more

September 8, 2006

At least according to this review. I’ll still argue that protesting a flic – particularly when it is a docuDRAMA, meaning a writers personal vision, much like Oliver Stone’s “JFK,” and not a docuMENTARY (which is supposed to be factual) – is one thing and threatening to pull a license is something else. And I’m arguing that Clinton would have, in the end, been much better off ignoring this flick, especially if it’s (as it sounds) a stiff. Ah, well.... Read more

September 7, 2006

They plan on using the power of the federal government to demand political changes to a program before it airs, a dangerous precedent and a completely different problem than what existed before. Presumably, this would become yet another fruit of their takeover of the House should they succeed in the midterms. It makes an excellent argument for extended Republican control. – Ed Morrissey The headline says Democrats urge ABC to withdraw 9/11 movie. Except urge should read “threaten to take... Read more

September 7, 2006

I swore I was done writing for today, but this is just breaking, and I’m just going to direct you to links which say it all. ABC alters 9/11 show under pressure All I am going to say is that Tim Robbins better never lecture us about the “chill wind of suppression of free speech” coming from the evil, Nazi Bush regime again. And I do think this will backfire on the Clintons. I believe with all my heart that... Read more

September 7, 2006

Because I am trying to be fair (you all know I wanted CBS to hire CNN’s Dehlia Gallagher for the Evening News gig and grow their own “star”) I checked out Katie Couric’s Notebook and found…the sort of classical liberal thinking by which I was raised, and which I have bemoaned as “lost.” Roughly transcribing the video: Bush has the hardest job in the world; no matter where you stand politically, you have to respect anyone who takes on that... Read more

September 7, 2006

It’s hard to keep up with all the interesting and important news out there, when the world seems to be buzzing about almost nothing but Bill Clinton and pals trying to shut down a movie and the seemingly-ever-ascending Katie Couric. I mean, there are some very big stories out there, like, 1) The revelation by President Bush yesterday that we have managed to thwart numerous attacks by terrorists. Or the acknowledgement by the press that President Bush has reframed the... Read more

September 7, 2006

Didn’t CBS’s Mike Wallace say something about this guy’s openness? Ahmadinejad Calls For University Purge Iran’s hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged students Tuesday to push for a purge of liberal and secular teachers from universities, in another sign of his determination to stamp a strong Islamic fundamentalist revival on the country. I’ve said this about the hardliners on the right and on the left: if your philosophy, your agenda or your cause is so shaky that you have to purge... Read more

September 7, 2006

NOTE:::BLOG ADMINISTRATOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR COMMENTARY CONTENT:::OPINIONS IN COMMENTS SECTION DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THOSE OF ADMIN::: This notice is periodically reposted for general informational purposes. I had my site debugged and in the process the “moderate comments” thingie got flipped on. For the heck of it, I decided to try it out and I’ve decided I like moderating comments; I get to actually read them all, now. For the record, I won’t be inclined to zap a commenter,... Read more

September 7, 2006

From time to time the amazing and very kind Kim of Musing Minds peers in at my site and then tsks and shakes her head in pity and writes, “honey…let me help you update. Do you know about things like inline trackbacks, inline comments? Would you like a “print this post” button? And I always email back: “I don’t know what you mean. What are these things you’re talking about? This sounds like scary technology that makes me want to... Read more

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