Exploring through art the harmony, sameness and fundamental truths that exist within ancient scripture and experiences of The Divine.
Born in Jersey City, growing up two hours north of New York City, from the age of eight, I began an intense education in music, theatre, dance, and painting.
My first spiritual mentor was the magical Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach who, with his songs and passion of life, instilled in me the joy of loving God.
My second spiritual mentor is the great Siddha Master, Jivanmukta Swami Ganapati. He has been my guide, my teacher, my focus for over 33 years. Parallel to my spiritual journey, my art (with great amusement) often intersects with my worldly life.
Starting in 2020, I created a collection of digital paintings entitled FATHER GIRI’S DIARY, A PILGRIM’S JOURNEY.
Between March 2021 through December 2022, a selection of the paintings participated in 60 international exhibitions, and competitions – recipient of 40 awards and citations.