Invitation to blog: mothers, mothering and Mother Earth

Invitation to blog: mothers, mothering and Mother Earth April 29, 2014

It is May, and mothers are on our minds. Mothering is something that most of us do, whether we have given birth or not. Sometimes it is towards children, animals, or plants, at other times it is directed at the men in our lives, or towards ourselves. Some of us might even feel as if we carry the entire world under our care. Mothering is also a cycle: all mothers have mothers, who had mothers too…

Mothering – giving and receiving – is tricky business. Yes it’s beautiful, but it’s also fraught with trap doors and hurdles, especially in the world we live in. We must navigate contradictions in the beliefs we hold about mothering, about what forms it comes in, and about the differences between mothering and smothering. And that’s just the beginning.

So we welcome all your thoughts this month, not just the grateful and blessed ones, but also the moments of difficulty and the ways in which they can transform us too.

Here are some questions to get you started:

** How are you bringing your “mothering” instincts and energies at this stage of your life?
** What wisdom has emerged in your life through your mother stories?
** How is Mother Earth speaking to you?

Please dive deep into your wisdom, and send us a blog of 200-800 words to this email address PLEASE INCLUDE a one-sentence bio and a photo of yourself in a format we can use.

Love and blessings,
Women of Spirit and Faith



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