December 6, 2012

When we act from the Divine Feminine, we act with the courage of our convictions. At the same time, we understand that such action is neither easy nor automatic. Our convictions, if not held in the light of loving kindness, may become roadblocks in our paths to creating positive social transformation. To remove such roadblocks, we must lend ourselves enough compassion to scrutinize our deepest convictions, allowing ourselves enough courage and resilience to grow stronger in the midst of impossible challenges. Read more

December 3, 2012

When we listen and support each other, when we share and treasure one another’s presence and friendship, we are most like the Divine Feminine. Speaking, listening, and acting with hearts wide open, we embody the Divine Feminine and her courageous love. Read more

November 30, 2012

When we act as the Divine Feminine we frighten many around us because we are taught that awe is the same emotion as fear. Awe may bring us to our knees, but fear makes us fight or flee. The Divine Feminine is a force that is like that of a mother tiger protecting her young. Any vulnerable soul that is being subjugated by fear, we attempt to protect, even at the risk of our own deaths. This passionate power frightens many. Read more

November 27, 2012

It took me so long to share music with people, but I discovered when I did share, people really enjoyed it. And it feels good when my songs resonate with people. Why then am I holding back this gift, these creations? Are they even mine to hold on to? My songs and writings are my truth, my experiences woven through my original and authentic being. No one else in the world can create them. When I share them with people I am giving away the pieces that were given to me, the pieces I was born to create. Read more

November 24, 2012

As Ghandi so eloquently stated: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny”. Hence, my response to the statement “When we act as the Divine Feminine…” necessitated me to consider not only my own, but other people’s beliefs and thoughts about the Divine Feminine. For to act as her, must we not first believe in her? Our beliefs become our thoughts, our actions, our habits, our values, our destinies. Believe love, think love, speak of love and love will become a habit, we will value love and it will be our destiny. Believe, think, speak, act as the Divine Feminine and she too will become a habit and her values will become our collective destiny. Blessed be. Read more

November 19, 2012

When we act as the Divine Feminine we take care of ourselves. I now know that I act as the Divine Feminine when I consciously decide not to be a victim of the prevailing cultural norms of self-deprecation, non-reciprocal relationships, and confusing mindless entertainment with my body and spirit’s need to be nourished. By inviting the Divine Feminine into our lives in this way we also allow others the space and inspiration to do the same in their lives. We help shift the energy from taxing and depleting to nourishing and healing. Read more

November 15, 2012

Circle is a simple yet sophisticated technology that multiplies creativity, invites inspiration and builds community. My experience is that individual passion and confidence is often awakened, at the same time that the collective wisdom leads to creative new ideas and solutions. It is a win-win for both the individual and the organization, the heart and the head. Read more

November 12, 2012

An exploration of the Divine Feminine is enough to fill several volumes; so expansive is Her scope. There is no definitive volume on this subject and no ultimate authorities. For the next few weeks, we will be asking women from many faiths and spiritual persuasions to respond to the following prompt: "When we act as the Divine Feminine..." We also encourage you to go deep within to explore this question for yourself. Find your own end to the sentence, then write what comes up and send it to us. Read more

November 5, 2012

The final film in our series follows Adelia Sandoval, cultural director for the Acjachemen Nation, the indigenous people of Orange County, California. Her ministry is called Song of the Earth, a Native American Healing service in an outdoor sanctuary. "A very basic premise of our traditions and teachings is that all life is sacred," says Adelia. "But the most important thing to get is, if all life is sacred, then so am I." Read more

October 29, 2012

The third video in our four-part series follows Courtney Martin - writer, speaker, activist and "freelance mystic". Weaving together many religious, spiritual and political teachings, Courtney hopes to help unite feminism and spirituality. "The call to all of us is to close the gap between what we believe and how we live our lives", says Courtney. How to do that? "Be kind to everyone. Be curious about everything. And trust your own outrage." Read more

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