March 24, 2014

“Embodying the Divine Feminine has perhaps been easier for me than for some women – I have followed and trusted Her and intuitively followed my desire to live a soul-centred life, and this I believe (as others do) is the way of the feminine. Tuning in to my body, my intuition, and my heart and trusting that I would be guided by Her in all that I did  in life. And after many trustings over the years, I learned that... Read more

March 20, 2014

  I feel like shaking everyone and saying, don’t you get it? We don’t need a Movement of Movements – we are a movement of movements. My friends, we have been trapped in old dominant paradigm thinking. We have been steeped in warmongering, hierarchical, competitive, control-based mindsets since birth. We think we are lacking something, or that we’re ineffectual at organizing, or we’re failing. We call for a Movement of Movements, like the War to End All Wars, a rallying cry that will amass... Read more

March 17, 2014

“There’s a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.”     ~ Rumi Divine Feminine……hmmmmmm, ahhhhh, oooooooohhh…..I thought, and thought. Walked from room to room in the house, took a brisk stroll outside in sub freezing weather, listened to vid clips on the Alchemy site, emoted through gallons of tears, meditated, and still no clear erudite response. Listen, Listen, Listen, I chanted. I wanted to talk to all the women who spoke so eloquently of their journey. How could they possibly know how... Read more

March 14, 2014

Christians miss insight into divine breadth without its female expression and distort perspective when male divine dimensions dominate. Yet the Ultimate, known by diverse forms and names, is neither sexual nor limited as our descriptors may suggest. Wisdom or the Spirit figure—Hokmah in Hebrew, Sophia in Greek and Sapientia in Latin—has for centuries personified God. Non-biblical religions also include forms of female, creative, divine energy known by terms like Shekinah, Shakti, and Chi. This blog introduces the concept and encourages... Read more

March 9, 2014

Let me be humble in Your presence, Your mysteries, my precious Goddess. Let me be humble. In Your pristine silence, in Your crystalline sacred energy, let me bow my head and gather stillness, gather stillness into my heart, so that oneness, connection is all I feel. Let me find You everywhere! Let me walk beside Your golden manifestations, as if beside a deep pure lake, surrounded by silent mountains. O my Mother, take my breath away! Purify me now, make... Read more

March 7, 2014

I launched a conversation about depression a few months ago asking this question: What if it’s not depression, as we’ve come to think of it, but rather a sign of our profound unhappiness and dissatisfaction? The question demands we get honest. Observing my own life, these are some of the things I’ve discovered to be true for me: I don’t enjoy cooking, I’d rather be brewing words on the page; I love good company and great conversation but I’m not... Read more

March 5, 2014

Early as a child, I lost my innocence through a physical trauma.  Psychologically, I was thrown out of Eden before I was ready. As a teen, I had friends, but there was a longing deep within me that I couldn’t articulate.  To compensate for packing in the head knowledge, I rode horses.  Being in the natural world rebalanced me. That balance was lost in the years of academic education and professional success.  My essential feminine nature went into the shadows. ... Read more

February 28, 2014

Three women sit around a table laden with cookies and candles. We are here to bare our souls and to connect to each other, to “Higher Power” and to our own inner wisdom. The only rule: nobody is here to fix anybody else. This is my version of interfaith dialogue. Wikipedia describes interfaith dialogue as: “…cooperative, constructive and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e., “faiths”) and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs… It is distinct from syncretism or alternative... Read more

February 28, 2014

    This month at the Divine Feminine blog we’re going back to basics. We want to explore this thing called “The Divine Feminine”. What is it, how do we know it? How do we experience it? Please dive into your deep wisdom and send us a blog of 100-800 words to [email protected]. Really you can interpret the topic however you want (that’s what She would do…), but here are a few suggestions to get your creative juices flowing:  ... Read more

February 26, 2014

I thought I was “interfaith” before anybody ever coined that term.  In my family, one was either Roman Catholic and had a chance at eternal happiness, if one obeyed well enough and was sorry enough for one’s sins, and all others who were eternally damned. Poor things; we prayed for their souls, and we collected pennies to send missionaries to save the souls of “poor Pagan babies.” We were very religiously regressive in the 1950s and 1960s, even for pre-Vatican... Read more

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