May 29, 2014

Wisdom came to me, late in life. Motherhood did not. I gave birth to my oldest child, a daughter, at age 18. Sixteen months later, I had my son, at age 20. I was clueless. Having had a mother who birthed me when she was just 17 and my father only 15, my role models for appropriate parenting skills were greatly lacking. I’m not faulting my mother, knowing that she did the best she could. I was damned angry at... Read more

May 21, 2014

I am not a mother, yet from the beginning of my life I have mothered. I am a hen without chicks, but instead puppies, kittens, ducklings, cubs, and bunnies fall in line after me. When I was little, I nurtured stuffed dogs and walruses. When I was a teenager, I came up with crafts and games for my young babysitting charges. When I was a young woman, I helped pay my way through seminary by taking care of a professor’s... Read more

May 19, 2014

Motherhood is one of the most sacred and beautiful mysteries of the universe, un-matched in its deep-seated power and enigma… The unprecedented way that a women engages when she enters motherhood, exists on a level that she could never have known occurred within her, until it comes upon her… To become a mother is certainly a right of passage, that organically and divinely activates a woman in such Beautiful ways… Her motherhood shapes her in ways that nothing else in... Read more

May 14, 2014

It’s the first class of my Spring Sacred Ritual session. Ladies of varying ages, enter the room. Hesitant, and curious. A few appear unsure, as if they are in the wrong place, one or two are down right impatient to get started, and a couple are silent and thoughtful as they take in the sights and sounds. The beginning of every session fills me with awe, wonder and expectation. Awe and wonder because they have come, expectation because of all... Read more

May 12, 2014

Though I am in my sixties now and well past menopause, I still dream from time to time that I am nursing a baby.  These dream babies, however, are able to talk — and so we converse.  I awake with strange, inexplicable feelings of connection.  When a child grows in the womb and is then born into the world, the process of individuation begins — the separation of the One into the separate soul, traveling through one particular lifetime. As... Read more

May 8, 2014

In therapy, in my late thirties, my therapist commented that it was a wonder that I had such a positive outlook on life having, as she said, “raised myself.” Oh, I had a mother, alright; I was her first born. She went on to have ten more… and to become a world famous physician. We all pretty much raised ourselves. But here’s the thing, somehow, her amazing optimism penetrated every one of us and so, despite incest, sexual abuse, one... Read more

April 29, 2014

It is May, and mothers are on our minds. Mothering is something that most of us do, whether we have given birth or not. Sometimes it is towards children, animals, or plants, at other times it is directed at the men in our lives, or towards ourselves. Some of us might even feel as if we carry the entire world under our care. Mothering is also a cycle: all mothers have mothers, who had mothers too… Mothering – giving and... Read more

March 31, 2014

FINALLY… We can’t help but notice that the world seems to have suddenly ‘discovered’ the value of women. After thousands of years living in the shadow of the masculine, after being pushed into the margins of power and leadership, after being silenced in every cultural institution – including most of the major world religions – the media today is full of messages that it is time to listen to women’s wisdom. Women’s leadership styles are being acknowledged widely in diverse... Read more

March 28, 2014

For too long now, human beings have been living the crude story handed down to us through our Patriarchal Programming. As a result, we’ve forgotten the power and privilege of being Woman. It’s time to wake up. That crude story has discounted the Feminine in the Radiant Light which is all intelligence, all power, all beauty, all love. Truth is, without Divine Mother there is no Life! What does it mean to wake up? To fully embrace the beauty of... Read more

March 25, 2014

Although I may have an ecclesiastical name, worked on Church Street and lived at one time on Ministerial Road, my name has certain association with a famous author and although I follow in her footsteps I am certainly humbled before her. No matter what, my name burns and surrenders before her sacred memory and that is part of my path.Because my name ended up this way as an accident of divine inspiration and birth, my divine feminine journey involves a... Read more

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