God Was Here

God Was Here December 17, 2012

Image of “Street God” by Sweetsofa (Streetart) via Wylio: http://www.wylio.com/credits/Flickr/102953079

Michael Hidalgo has a powerful post over at my old shop, Sojourners, this morning reflecting on the question, Where is God? or, rather, Where was God? during the Newtown school shootings on Friday.

Michael writes:

When I heard the news of Friday my gut response was to say, “God, why?” My heart wondered where God was in all of this. Many people wondered the same thing. Sometimes it is hard to mesh the words of Scripture with our world.

One commentator suggested that it was precisely because God was not there that this heinous act happened. Gov. Mike Huckabee claimed we should not be surprised to see this kind of violence since we have removed God from our schools and our society. His sentiment is to say, “God is NOT here.” If that is the case, then it surely can explain the existence of pure evil that we saw displayed on Friday.

However, thinking like that of Gov. Huckabee suggests that we somehow have the power to remove God from our schools and our society. This kind of God is quite small, weak, and impotent  — one that is dictated by the mere whims of humanity. This is not the God of whom Matthew spoke.

Read his post in its entirety HERE.

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