Phoebe: One of the Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible

Phoebe: One of the Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible April 27, 2022


A few weeks ago I posted an interview with Mary DeMuth, author of The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible, a title we were anticipating at the time. Anticipate no longer—the book is out and waiting to be bought and read by an eager audience.

What’s the premise? Mary revisits ten women—some well-known, some rather obscure, but all misunderstood in some way—by telling their stories in fiction form. She follows each narrative with a scholarly, thoughtful analysis that explores specific issues the woman faced and how they might relate to readers today.

To celebrate the release of Misunderstood, Mary is giving away ten original watercolors (did you know she was an artist, too?)—one of each of the women she features. Just register and wait for the May 10, 2022, announcement.

In the meantime, enjoy this excerpt from Mary’s chapter on Phoebe, the deacon from the house church in Cenchrea who brought Paul’s letter to the church in Rome. You can find mention of her in Romans 16.

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