Finalists for Christian Book Awards Announced

Finalists for Christian Book Awards Announced April 9, 2024

Looking for a good book?

The 2024 book award finalists in Christian nonfiction were announced on April 8 by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA). The ECPA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to “equip members so they can more effectively make the Christian message more widely known” (from their website). Elevating the best offerings from Christian publishing, both fiction and non-fiction, is one of their primary methods of encouraging effective gospel communication.

This year’s entire list of 65 finalists, in 12 categories, is available on their site. The categories include Audio, Bibles, Bible Reference, Bible Study, Biography & Memoir, Children, Christian Living, Devotion & Gift, Faith & Culture, Ministry Resources, New Author, and Young People’s Literature. Typically five finalists are named in each category, with the occasional tie adding a few extras. Winners will be announced April 30, 2024, at the annual  ECPA Awards Celebration held at the industry’s Leadership Summit.

Favorite Finalists

I regularly review and recommend books I’ve read and enjoyed, so this post should come as no surprise. This year a number of my author friends were honored. It is always a delight to see fellow writers and theologians celebrated for the good work they have produced. In no particular order, I’ve highlighted a few finalists from among my friends and favorites.


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